Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Obama the Postmodernist

Ok, I couldn’t come up with a better title than the one the author of a very good article I want you to read, so I just used it as my title as well. I’m so glad I came across the piece in USA Today written by Jonah Goldberg. It sums up perfectly the worldview of Barak Obama, and that of so many people today, and not only in our country. The link to the article is at the end of this post, but if you’re not sure what postmodernism is then this quote from Mr. Obama is a good example. Mr. Obama was asked if he could define sin and his reply was that

“Sin is being out of alignment with my values ."

Read the article to get the full extent of Mr. Obama’s view on Truth. What scares me is that his view is very popular in this day and age. You see the postmodernist doesn’t believe in absolute Truth. To him there is no standard outside of ourselves that determines objective Truth. There are truths, but no Truth; values, but no ultimate Value.

This is how the worldly man copes with his sin; how the postmodernist thinks - If I convince myself there is no objective Truth; nothing outside of myself to hold me accountable then I can determine what is right or wrong. AND, the more people I convince to agree with “my” truth, the better I can feel about it. Case in point, abortion. How this horror can be carried out in our country legally escapes me. Yet it is; why? Because people have exchanged the Truth of God for a lie and have the nerve to call that lie truth. They say, “A woman should have the right to do with her body what she wants”. Question: Does God ever give anyone the right to do that which is wrong? NO, of course not! So what we have here is the redefining of the concept of ones “Rights”. If you ask where they got that right, they’ll say from the government, the Supreme Court. And how was it that the government made that decision? Did God say it was ok? No. In fact that decision to grant the “right” to an abortion is in actuality based on the peoples preference. It all comes down to preference. If it’s the people preference to allow same sex marriage, or the sale of child sex slaves or whatever is the preference of the day, then that is determined to be a right. In other words, truth is subjective.

Shame on us; every one of us.

Here is the link to the article: http://blogs.usatoday.com/oped/2008/08/obama-the-postm.html