Monday, March 30, 2009


I read this on Yahoo news this morning, "100,000 secular Britons seek 'de-baptism".

I have mixed emotions about these things. The most powerful emotion for me is sadness and pity. I believe there is a God and I know this God to be Grace and Love, but also a God of Holiness, Truth and Justice. We are responsible for the choices we make in life and even a God whose very nature is defined as perfect Love will not drag a person kicking and screaming into heaven. You could say he answers our prayer. If we reject Him in this life, He'll honor our desire to have Him out of it forever and will reject us in eternity.

One good point of understanding that I read in the article was found in this quote:

John Hunt, a 58-year-old from London and one of the first to try to be "de-baptised," held that he was too young to make any decision when he was christened at five months old.

That is something that I hold to be True and is one of the main reasons I do not ascribe to infant baptism; let me explain. I am not in favor of any baptism that is conducted as a "scheduled" tradition. I was baptised as an infant in the catholic church and I know others who were baptised at a very young age, say 5, 8 or even 12 years old. God wants us to make our own personal decision to follow Him. That decision is based on our understanding of how our sin has violated His perfect law and, as God clearly tells us, the punishment of sin is death. BUT!! The good news is that God has paid the penalty for us, He himself in the flesh died on the cross for our sins and paid the penalty for us, all we need do is accept it and our acceptance is marked in a covenant ceremony called baptism. That decision can only be made by a person of mature mind at a time that is known as the age of understanding. What age does that occur? It's different for everyone, but I know for sure no infant is able to make that decision on their own. Typically the age of understanding occurs around 12 or 13 years old, but I've seen some people younger than that be able to show a clear understanding and make a decision. I didn't come to fully understand this until I was 39 years old and when I did, I chose to be baptized into Christ at that time even though I was baptized when I was an infant.

The people in this article understand this and are making a decision opposite of mine. They are choosing to reject God and the forgiveness He offers us through Christ, where I and others like me choose to accept it and be baptized. Asking to be de-baptized shows their ignorance of the Truth. Not that I suppose to know the mind of God, but I am certain God does not accept "forced" salvation.

Two last thoughts:
  1. It may not be clear to us when a person reaches the age of understanding, but God knows when it is. If a child dies and was not old enough to understand what sin is and how it violates God's law, that child is considered innocent in God's eyes and therefore is covered by God's grace. Notice this has nothing to do with whether the person has ever "heard" the gospel or not, it's totally dependent on whether you are mature enough to understand it IF YOU HAD heard it.
  2. If you are reading this and believe you are beyond that age of understanding, and have not made a personal decision whether you believe or not and whether to be baptised, then you have a decision to make. Honestly, I hope this weighs heavy on your mind. Listen, the gospel is a very easy concept, so easily understood that even a 12 year old can understand it and choose whether to believe or not. Yes, there are a lot of questions and learning and understanding that still needs to come. But once you see how it is possible that there is a God and His plan of salvation through Christ could be true, act on it and be baptised. If you die and you have not taken this step, it's too late.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Digging for "truth"

I came across this ABC video of a news piece produced by John QuiƱones called "What Would You Do?". I don't know if it's a stand alone show or part of the 20/20 program, but this one caught my eye so I watched it.

To me this is nothing more than a media stunt and ABC should be ashamed for passing this stuff off as valuable, or even remotely informational.

In order to demonstrate the horrible intolerance of mainstream American culture they plant a gay couple in an average "straight" bar in New Jersey. Knowing they may not get the reaction they hope for, ABC also plants other people; a heterosexual couple and a straight guy to sort of goad the unknowing bar patrons on.

Bottom line, every attempt to show how supposedly intolerant and hateful average Americans are failed. Every time the bar patrons supported the gay guys and harassed the "plants" that were harassing them. Only one person got singled out by the news show because he muttered under his breath that he was disgusted by the two men showing affection and kissing.

Even worse, the host never pointed out the positive results that might indicate that Americans are not a bunch of homophobic hate mongers.

Monday, March 23, 2009

He's Right

In my opinion, this is exactly what I've been feeling lately. Here here to Glen Beck. It's a long piece, but listen to it all. I especially like the way he exposes Bill Maher, one of the most hateful men I know on TV.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You Can't Hide From God

This from the South Florida Sun Sentinel: Chaplain at Hospice by the Sea in Boca Raton resigns over ban on word 'God'

Why do some people who choose not to believe in God try so hard to take it away from those who choose to believe? Like Bill Maher's film "Religulous". The title is a combination of the words religious and ridiculous, which is exactly what the film was about.

Let's say there is no God. Why spend the time and effort to destroy something that harms no one! Certainly not the people dieing at this hospice. Yes I know all about the Spanish inquisition and the Crusades. Note: Not all things done in the name of Christ is Christian.

I'll tell you my theory as to why they do this. Because they can't silence their conscience. Deep down inside they fear that there really might be a God. And if this God is the God the Christian bible describes, then that God is going to hold me responsible for my actions. So I must try and remove all reminders of this God and hide from Him. Does that sound familiar? In Genesis after the fall of man what did Adam and Eve do? They hid because they were ashamed of their sin.

News flash: We've all sinned and God will hold us all responsible. God judges us against His Holy standard. He doesn't compare us to other people, like we do when we say "Well, at least I am not as bad as him!"

The Good News: We don't have to hide. God loves us so much that He Himself, the only one who is able to pay for our sin, paid the price for us. God in the flesh, Jesus, dies upon the cross to satisfy God's own Holy law that says the penalty of sin is death. He died for us and we receive His holiness in return.

Are you still hiding?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Funny Friday

I had to share this. It's from my favorite Canadian wise a$$.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Obama: "Man of Faith" and Embryonic Stem Cell Research

I am really getting tired of Barak Obama's claim to be a "man of faith". I don't know what faith he is of..I take that back, yes I do. He believes in self. He is his own god as is many people in this world. If you don't like what the True Living God tells us is right and wrong, then we'll just make up our own god and make it look like we believe in the same god as all those other "people of faith".

Why am I so ticked off?

Yesterday I posted an article about the President's decision to reverse the 2001 executive order banning the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. I've read numerous articles about the pros and cons and I am surprised at how many articles put a slant on what is happening; they omit certain words. Unless you read really carefully one would think that the President reversed an all out BAN ON ALL RESEARCH, which is completely false.

Again, so why am I ticked off? Because today I went on the white house website and read some of the Presidents speech just after reversing the executive order. He actually said:

As a person of faith, I believe we are called to care for each other and work to ease human suffering.

What a piece of work this man is. He speaks with a forked tongue and does the work of the devil yet he calls himself a man of faith. It sickens me. Here is what the One True God has to say:

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! - Isaiah 5:20

We celebrate abortion in this country as a basic human right. We refuse to recognize our Creator as the author of life. We remove his Word from our schools, our offices, our courts, our town halls and the public square. Woe to us.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Funding Embryonic Stem Cell Research

As promised, today the President lifted the ban on the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.

We can debate the morality of this all day, but as I've said in the past (and the same goes for abortion), it's not whether you think the destruction of embryos is worth the potential discoveries. The big argument is do we want our tax dollars FUNDING THIS! I do not.

News flash: Embryonic stem cell research is NOT illegal. The companies doing the research can destroy all the embryos they want. The previous ban WAS NOT a ban on the research, it was a ban on federal tax dollars going to fund the research.

I am against this in all forms because I believe personhood begins at conception. That is my stance on the issue and I do not want my tax dollars going to fund it, the same way I do not want my tax dollars funding abortions. Why is our government in this business?

Friday, March 06, 2009


Where do I start on this one? Today Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. As a symbol of the U.S.'s desire to "reset" our relationship with Russia, Secretary Clinton presented Mr. Lavarov with a gift; a red button on a black base with the Russian word "Peregruzka” printed on top, which means "Reset" in Russian. I've provided a video clip below, but there is much more to this than the obvious:

First the obvious problem was that the word "Peregruzka” DOES NOT mean reset, it means OVERCHARGE! The Russian Minister tells her this in the video clip. You have to listen closely because of the background noise and his accent, but he says "No you got it wrong". It's really pretty funny, but also embarrassing too. I bet after the meeting Mr. Lavarov called Moscow and told the Russian intel folks they can relax, because obviously the US government doesn't know how to translate the Russian language! Sheesh.

The thing that is not so obvious (except to an ex-Navy, cold war spook like me). Do you really want to hand the Russians a BIG RED BUTTON?! I mean, what's next? Are we going to send the North Koreans a "Trip Wire of Friendship"?

God help us.

They Have To Be Stopped...And I have To Stop Them

I don't get it. This fallacy that suggests there is a separation between Church ans state and that this idea is actually law; where did that come from? Do you know there is no such thing mentioned in the U.S. Constitution? The first amendment to the U.S. Constitution says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

I understand that to mean:
  1. Our country will not establish a state sanctioned official religion. This stems from persecution found in Great Britain back in the day. The Church of England was the official church of that country and if you weren't a member you were persecuted. We believe in freedom!
  2. The government WILL NOT PROHIBIT the FREE EXERCISE of RELIGION. In other words, unless your religion involves breaking the law the government will stay out of your business.
  3. All citizens have the right to free speech. If you don't like what I have to say, tough. Then say something back that I don't like. So long as I don't say something that breaks the law e.g. defamation or slander, I can say whatever I want.
OK. With that in mind why are Christians being told to stop talking publicly about God? Especially in school! Where does this come from?

Read the article by clicking here and make sure you scroll down and look at the before and after pictures of the posters. Also, remember that the phrase "In God We Trust" is...our...national... motto.

This Is Why We're Fat #3

Hot dog with twinkies for buns covered in Cheese Wiz.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

It's Been Kinda Quiet

Yes, I know it's been a slow couple of weeks. Mostly because I want to focus in on certain topics like abortion, attacks on Christianity/religious freedom, debunking evolution, etc. and well there hasn't been much to talk about lately.

A couple of things to keep your eyes on though:

1. There is talk of President Obama rescinding the "conscience" clause as it relates to abortion laws. This clause states that no doctor, nurse or health worker will be forced to provide birth control or abortion services if it violates their conscience for religious or moral reasons. I haven't written much about it because only a few articles have come out regarding this. But watch for it. No matter what President Obama says in regards to him wanting fewer abortions, he is a very pro-abortion person. We've seen this in his voting record, he has overturned the Mexico City policy, he's picked a equally pro-abortion person to head up HHS, and I do not doubt that he will rescind the conscience clause as well as sign FOCA into law. We'll see though.

2. Keep an eye on this administrations policy towards Israel. Israel is the only democratic nation within a very radical Islamic part of the world. Because of our long standing peace and friendship with Israel we've been able to calm much of the issues between Israel and all the surrounding nations that would like nothing more than to wipe Israel off the map. If we turn our backs on Israel I would expect hostilities to mount against them and I would not blame Israel, a nuclear nation, to defend themselves. Many people have doubted Mr. Obama's words that he supports Israel, but once again his actions are all anti-Israel. Most recently his pick for the top intelligence analyst post Charles Freeman. Many republicans are calling for the president to withdraw him as nominee for this position because of some very controversial statements Mr. Freeman has made in the past. He said the Chinese government acted too slowly to crack down on protesters in Tiananmen Square in 1989. Mr. Freeman has also criticized American policies supporting Israel. So keep an eye on how our relations with Israel go.

That's it for now...