Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Close Only Counts With .....

Ok, the timing on this one is so perfect, it needs a little set up. How do I decide what to write about? It could be something I experience, I heard or read. But typically I don't know what to write until I think about it for awhile. Back on Jan. 8, I was taking my after lunch walk and as I walked I started thinking about DNA and how much of a miracle it is (...it's not weird for me). The result was my posting on Jan.8, the one just before this one, so go read it, then come back and finish this one.

Then, today I read an article that proves my point. It doesn't prove my opinion, but does prove just what I'm talking about. The link to the article is below, but to give you a snap shot, here is the opening paragraph:

One of life's greatest mysteries is how it began. Scientists have pinned it down to roughly this: Some chemical reactions occurred about 4 billion years ago - perhaps in a primordial tidal soup or maybe with the help of volcanoes or possibly at the bottom of the sea or between the mica sheets - to create biology.

Here is the link to the article. Judge for yourself: Life As We Know It Nearly Created in Lab

Even though we all analyze the same data, why is that we come to different conclusions? It's called presupposition; these scientists WANT their inquiry to support what they already believe to be true. The same is true for ME! When I look at science I look at it from the point of view that there is a Creator God. Yet, in a world where we all bring our own presupposition to the table, we need to allow logic to rule. Starting with the fact that it is impossible to get something from nothing. See my other posts on this ( July 11, 2007 and July 23, 2008).

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