Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Obama: "Man of Faith" and Embryonic Stem Cell Research

I am really getting tired of Barak Obama's claim to be a "man of faith". I don't know what faith he is of..I take that back, yes I do. He believes in self. He is his own god as is many people in this world. If you don't like what the True Living God tells us is right and wrong, then we'll just make up our own god and make it look like we believe in the same god as all those other "people of faith".

Why am I so ticked off?

Yesterday I posted an article about the President's decision to reverse the 2001 executive order banning the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. I've read numerous articles about the pros and cons and I am surprised at how many articles put a slant on what is happening; they omit certain words. Unless you read really carefully one would think that the President reversed an all out BAN ON ALL RESEARCH, which is completely false.

Again, so why am I ticked off? Because today I went on the white house website and read some of the Presidents speech just after reversing the executive order. He actually said:

As a person of faith, I believe we are called to care for each other and work to ease human suffering.

What a piece of work this man is. He speaks with a forked tongue and does the work of the devil yet he calls himself a man of faith. It sickens me. Here is what the One True God has to say:

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! - Isaiah 5:20

We celebrate abortion in this country as a basic human right. We refuse to recognize our Creator as the author of life. We remove his Word from our schools, our offices, our courts, our town halls and the public square. Woe to us.

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