Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Religion and the First Amendment

I'm yelling at the TV again. On this mornings news they are talking about an atheist group who has filed a law suit to keep an engraving of the words In God We Trust off of the entrance to the new Washington DC Capitol Visitors Center. The news casters talked about how they think this type of thing is ridiculous, which I am glad to hear. They also interviewed people on the street whose opinion varied; some for and some against.

The issue I have are the reasons people gave for wanting or not wanting it there. Some of the reasons given were 1) It's our national motto, 2) It's on our money, 3) America's history was clearly built on Judeo-Christian principles. All ok reasons, but none authoritative.

It's funny that the name of the Atheist group that has filed this law suit, along with other law suits seeking to ban the word God from the pledge of allegiance and banning the national day of prayer, is called The Freedom From Religion Foundation, emphasis on the word From.

I yelled at the TV asking someone to please quote the first amendment to our US Constitution!!! The first amendment guarantees us freedom OF religion, not freedom from it. What is wrong with this country? I've written about this in my post I Want Freedom Of Religion.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America

The news station I was watching had a visit by Holywood actor David Arquette. He was on the show to raise awareness in battling hunger in America; nice. The show's host asked him what he thought about the law suit and he said "It doesn't matter to him. He'd be ok with it saying "In Rainbows We Trust".


Jana Pinson said...

Hi Eddie - kinda funny after 30 years I get to read your blog! I love it. A group of us went to our nations capital in March and saw an odd thing. In the visitor's center there is a grand piece of marble where part of it was erased. If you walk in just right you can see it. It was on "E Pluribus Unum" from many.. one. If you looked closely at the rubbed out portion you could read it... "Our Nations Moto" So I asked the guy that worked there and he told me that some conservative christian congressman were trying to say "In God we Trust" is our motto. Hmmm that made us accutely aware of this controversy. So when we go into Senate Chambers ... Huge - "in God We Trust" we go into House Chambers huge "In God We Trust" Supreme Court - God is everywhere - even the 10 commandments. I also had a lady "Ladies of Mount Vernon" tell me that G. Washington was an atheist and all the other stuff about him was made up by the religious right. Completely stunning that they could try to erase history of people fasting, praying and seeking God in their journals etc. Keep writing! So good to reconnect with you!

Ed said...

It's amazing. It understates that we are aliens and strangers in this world. At the same time it's sad because this country was built as a light to the world upon that motto, In God We Trust.