Friday, August 21, 2009

Speaking With A Forked Tongue - "Free Abortions For Everyone"

Have you noticed the counter on the side bar of my blog. At the time of this posting it is nearing 45,000,000 abortions since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

Now the debate in our land is over the President's Heathcare Reform. Lots to worry about, but one of the many debated points on this legislation is whether the public option will include tax payer provided abortion services. The President claims it doesn't, but notice his double speak. In trying to promote his plan he spoke to a gathering of religious leaders, albeit, very liberal religious leaders.

In a late Wednesday conference call with several faith groups that supported his presidential bid, President Barack Obama claimed it is a “fabrication” and “distraction” to say abortion funding is included in the health care reform plans pending in Congress. He said it is false to suggest that the government-run health care plan he favors would result in “government funding of abortions,” and that this is “untrue.” - Associated Press

Notice the President said the government-run health care plan he favors wouldn't support government funding for abortions. Sure. He says that as if to say, I am not in favor of it, but if the version that comes to my desk has it in it... what? Will he sign it, or won't he sign it? What do you think?

First of all our government already uses our tax money to fund abortions both here and abroad. One of the first Presidential actions was to reverse the Mexico City Accord which in doing so now allows US funds to be used for abortions overseas. Our government already subsidizes Planned Parenthood the largest for profit abortion provider in the nation. So what do you think? Is the President telling the truth? Let's listen to Mr. Obama's own words and thanks to the group who put this together for providing explanations on screen to translate the double talk.

Did you hear how he also wants to force private insurers to provide abortion services just like the government plan will. This is just like his disdain for doctors who refuse to provide abortions or pharmacists who won't dispense "morning after" pills for reasons of conscience. He could care less.

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