Just when I thought the evil practice of abortion couldn't get even more disgusting. A swiss company is using cells from aborted fetuses in their cosmetics.
I link to the source I found it on, and they link directly to the company:
For anyone who might read this and be pro-choice, I have to ask the question again; Do you or do you not believe that abortion is the taking of a human life? If you answer yes to that question and still support the right to an abortion, then I would like to understand how you can convince yourself that the choice out weighs the life. If you do not think abortion is the taking of a human life, or maybe you are not sure, then please read my article called The Logic Cop Says It Is A Human Baby and tell me what you think of the logic I use in arguing that abortion IS the taking of a human life.
Or maybe you think, like our president, that if you get pregnant at the "wrong time" that having the baby is a punishment.
I can add little commentary on this except that if you are a parent, please, PLEASE get involved with what the schools are teaching your children. I have no problem with schools giving a lesson in world religions and cultures, but come on. It is clear that when truth and balance are omitted, indoctrination is the goal. Why is this needed? Why would a school district adopt this curriculum? Why, when they see what the curriculum teaches do they NOT have an issue with it?
Why? When I think about the answer to that I remember a conversation I had via Face Book with a complete stranger. Maybe I'll post that conversation soon.
I've written extensively about how the fossil nicknamed "Ida" was not a fantastic new discovery of a "missing link" between earlier primates and humans.
Bottom line, the fossil of a lemur like creature was being hyped by a European museum that billed it as THE missing link and saying how this discovery would challenge everything we know about human evolution. Just so happens the hype would ensure lots of visitors to the museum and it just so happens the owners of the fossil produced a documentary about it and they stood to make tons of cash based on the hype.
Well, the scientific community finally is calling the fossil nothing more than an ancient lemur! Huh, just what I said it was months ago. You can read the article here, but you know what really pisses me off? The excuse that Dr. Seiffert, one of the scientists who studied the finding and came out to say it ain't all that, still defended the hype. He said this regarding how people came to the conclusion that this was so important (emphasis mine):
“The PR hype surrounding the Darwinius description was very confusing. The uninformed observer watching the associated documentary certainly must have come away with a very different view — specifically that Darwinius truly was a critically important link in the origin of higher primates, if not the origin of apes or even humans.
Nice; it was all because "stupid" people misinterpreted the hype. Here are links to past articles I wrote concerning science and evolution.
I view this kind of stuff to be sad more than I do as irritating. A new ad campaign will be launched in New York sponsored by the Big Apple Coalition of Reason. The posters will be placed in subway stations that read:
A million New Yorkers are good without God. Are You?
The meaning of the slogan is that their life is just fine without God so stop believing in Him. They just don't get it. I truly hope they will one day, just like I did. If only they would humble themselves and find out just how truly wonderful a life full of God really is.
One very interesting thing in the article; I have written in the past how in reality atheism is a religion. Many people say I'm stupid to say that. They tell me atheism is the opposite of religion. Oh really? To quote the article:
The subway campaign is timed to a new book called "Good Without God" by Greg Epstein, which is to be released on Oct. 27 by William Morrow. Mr. Epstein, the Harvard University humanist chaplain, is having a book signing at Columbia University Bookstore on Oct. 28.
This video is of an interview with Dr. Richard Dawkins, author of the God Delusion and his most recent work The Greatest Show On Earth. Dawkins is the typical pro-evolution atheist elitist. I have no issue with his having taken a stance and doing a very good job of trying to convince people why his opinion is the correct one. It's just the way it's done and the arrogance.
Here are my notes (I paraphrase a lot of this) with comments in RED:
Dawkins, trying to assert that evolution is not a theory, but rather is fact says "If you stop thinking of it as a theory and start thinking of it as fact, it's a lot more believable" Really!? Am I the only one to see through that? So if I just stop thinking objectively then I'll see it your way.
Speaking of what evidence is most compelling to sway a person away from evolution as just being a theory and towards it being a fact he states "Comparing DNA between species you see an almost identical digital count that falls into a family tree. And if you look at it long enough you will be convinced" Again with the "if you look at it long enough" thing. If I look long enough at b.s. websites that say our landing on the moon was a fake, I might start to believe that too. Also, answer me this, how could random processes come up with 'digital' information anyway?
An interesting item; Dawkins compares those in America who do or do not believe in creationism to those who are for Palin or Obama. Uh huh..good analysis
When asked if he's concerned that his book The God Delusion offends creationists he states "Creationists don't read books anyway, except for one book. My books are aimed at the intelligent lay person who does read books..." You elitist arrogant jack-ass. That's a great way to stifle any meaningful debate on the issue. Just call someone with a differing opinion "stupid and closed minded". Kinda like calling those who don't agree with Obama "racists", Hmmmm
Speaking of The God Delusion, Dawkins states that, "..it was a humorous book; full of laughs" Oh yes, it was a knee slapper all right. Again insulting those with a differing opinion by calling them "delusional". It was a hoot!...at the expense of God and His followers.
These things irritate me so. But then I think that I am a child of God and saved from such thinking. I'd rather spend my time building up treasure in heaven.
First, there is the God issue. Dr. Collins believes in him. Passionately. And he preaches about his belief in churches and a best-selling book. For some presidential appointees, that might not be a problem, but many scientists view such outspoken religious commitment as a sign of mild dementia.
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. - Matthew 5:11-12
As I've said in the past I tend to stay away from the everyday political chatter, but this topic has to do with life. Which if you've read anything I written before you know I am staunchly pro-life.
Frankly I am pissed off at the deception by all politicians in Washington and by the "advisers" they rely on to help devise their schemes.
The current health care debate is just so full of deception. Listen to Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary under Bill Clinton, and current advisor to president Obama. This sums it up all too well. Believe me when I tell you this is exactly what a government run health plan will be. The president and all his cronies say one thing and they plan on doing the complete opposite.
Listen to the audio from a 2007 speech and pay close attention...here I'll help you:
The first part of the audio, Reich tells everyone that candidates for office only tell half truths and often tell us what their advisers tell them we need to hear.
He says he is going to run for president and I guess he said the first part as if to tell us he's not like other candidates, he's going to tell the truth. - Gee thanks
At the 0:45 mark he tells us we have the only health care system in the world set up to avoid sick people. He even affirms what he just said as being true. - I believe this is not true, but what the heck.
At the 0:57 mark he says he's going to change the health care system to make it more "amenable to treating sick people". - Thank you sir.
At 1:08 he says that young healthy people "you are going to have to pay more" - Understand he's saying this in 2007 and here we are in 2009 and the bills being presented force everyone to have insurance. Even if you are young and healthy, and you don't want it!
At 1:20 he says that if you are old we are not going to give you all the drugs you need or the technology needed to keep you alive for the last couple of years of your life, "It's too expensive so we're going to let you die"- My heart sank when I heard this. The evil of these people.
At the 1:35 mark he says he'll use the power of the federal government to force drug companies and medical equipment manufacturers to lower their costs. He goes on to say that he knows this will mean less innovation and less innovation means less new drugs and new products, which means you shouldn't expect to live much longer than your parents- I have no more words...
Before you listen to the audio, did you know that the presidents special adviser on science and technology, John Holdren, co-wrote a book called Global Climatic Disruption: Risks and Opportunities in which he describes some of the so called "opportunities" to avoid this global climatic disruption as forced sterilization for a majority of the population and mandatory abortions for unwed mothers who can't "take care" of their expected babies? Did you know that? NO! Then get off you fat frikkin a$$ and start paying attention because our country is being flushed down the toilet because people are more caught up in knowing what happened on JOHN AND KATE PLUS 8!!!
My God! The presidents staff is loaded with the most pro abortion, pro death people ever assembled. Not to mention the lunatics that HATE our way of life.
I can't talk any more today, this stuff exhausts me.
More and more I question my ability to define "normal". More and more Americans simply ignoring the US Constitution thinking we live in a country that guarantees freedom FROM religion when it doesn't. There is rabid almost "religious" like protection of the environment, where small fish are protected yet we allow the murder of 4,000 unborn human babies every day.
If you want to see the complete dismantling of any kind of normality, just look to the appointments of president Obama. I won't go into all of the items, there are too many to list, but if you have some time, do a news search on Kevin Jennings, Cass Sunstein, Van Jones, Mark Lloyd and Harold Koh to name just a few. And that list doesn't even mention all of the cabinet members that had tax "issues".
Now I read an article about his nominee to head the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) Chai Feldblum. It is being reported that she signed a petition, a radical 2006 manifesto, which endorsed polygamous households and argued traditional marriage should not be privileged “above all others.”
This is something I speculated on when I wrote about why the defense of traditional marriage is so very important. The so called "same sex marriage" debate being waged by gays and lesbians has nothing to do with what concerns me. It is that once you change the definition of something to include other things that fall outside of what it really is, it then ceases to be anything. Once we include same sex couples within the definition of marriage all other kinds of freaky-deakies will come out of the wood work and what their "situation" to come under the same definition and be held up as normal marriage.
I post this only because it's so darned funny. Please notice I tagged this post "Comic Relief" and nothing more. If you are a Dem and don't find this funny you need to see a shrink. I mean I laughed when Starbucks mocked a mad "tea party" guy in one of it's latest ads. But this is great!