Monday, October 19, 2009

Are You Good Without God?

I view this kind of stuff to be sad more than I do as irritating. A new ad campaign will be launched in New York sponsored by the Big Apple Coalition of Reason. The posters will be placed in subway stations that read:

A million New Yorkers are good without God. Are You?

The meaning of the slogan is that their life is just fine without God so stop believing in Him. They just don't get it. I truly hope they will one day, just like I did. If only they would humble themselves and find out just how truly wonderful a life full of God really is.

One very interesting thing in the article; I have written in the past how in reality atheism is a religion. Many people say I'm stupid to say that. They tell me atheism is the opposite of religion. Oh really? To quote the article:

The subway campaign is timed to a new book called "Good Without God" by Greg Epstein, which is to be released on Oct. 27 by William Morrow. Mr. Epstein, the Harvard University humanist chaplain, is having a book signing at Columbia University Bookstore on Oct. 28.

What exactly is a humanist chaplain?

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