Sunday, January 31, 2010

Freedom of Religion and the Constitution

In support of free speech I say you are entitled. Quoting the article on the Fox News website:

An atheist organization is blasting the U.S. Postal Service for its plan to honor Mother Teresa with a commemorative stamp, saying it violates postal regulations against honoring "individuals whose principal achievements are associated with religious undertakings."

Now to exercise my free speech:

Yes, once again we hear from the imbeciles over at the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Their name says it all. To think that you can rid any and all religious references, hints or appearances from life is so brainless. Not to mention this "right" to rid us from religion is not theirs! The first amendment clearly states that all citizens of the USA have the right to freedom of religion not a freedom from it. Why do they think they can force it out of lives? Oh yes, because of that silly idea of "separation of Church and state". Laughable; show me where that is in the constitution.

Those who have twisted that non-constitutional phrase into something that could or should possibly shape our society are fools. You incorrectly think it means that God should stay out of the government's business. Make it mean whatever you want it to mean, it doesn't apply because it is not in the constitution. What is in the constitution clearly states that the government must stay out of the business of how the people chose to exercise their religion. A stamp with Mother Theresa, or Moses, or Buddha or Muhammad or Jesus, I could care less. But no person or institution has the right to say no to it.

I do take exception to the Post Office having a regulation that says they won't honor individuals whose achievements are religious in nature. That is nothing more that a politically correct cop out and what fuels these complaints. I can protest that decision and do my best to convince them to reverse it. But, the Post Office can freely choose to display anything they want on their stamps and I have no right to force them to do anything, so long as the image doesn't violate any law.

Do you believe the Constitution contains timeless truths; things that are true for all people, in all times? Not if you think like the stream of so called intellectuals that have come along over the ages. One sits in the White House now. In Mr. Obama's book "The Audacity of Hope" he states:

Ultimately, though, I have to side with Justice Breyer’s view of the Constitution—that it is not a static but rather a living document, and must be read in the context of an ever-changing world.

Not me. Our founders laid down a blueprint for a government this world has never known before. It has provided it's citizens a standard of living far greater than any country has ever had in the history of the world. It must be interpreted today as the founders laid it out then. To stray away from it would mean to stray away from what and who we are as Americans.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Killing The Unborn - A Fundemental Right?

This past Friday (Jan. 22, 2010) President Obama commemorated the 37th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision by releasing a statement:

Today we recognize the 37th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, which affirms every woman’s fundamental constitutional right to choose whether to have an abortion, as well as each American’s right to privacy from government intrusion. I have, and continue to, support these constitutional rights. I also remain committed to working with people of good will to prevent unintended pregnancies, support pregnant women and families, and strengthen the adoption system. Today and every day, we must strive to ensure that all women have limitless opportunities to fulfill their dreams.

A statement artfully crafted with doublespeak in order to support this evil act. He couples the right to an abortion with every American's right to privacy from Government intrusion. He say he supports more prevention of unintended pregnancies and couples that with his stance for limitless opportunities for women to fulfill their dreams.

As I write this our nation has allowed the killing of nearly 45 million unborn babies since Roe v. Wade. Abortion is the number one method of killing Blacks and Hispanics today. The President himself has said that he wouldn't want his daughters "punished with a baby" as the result of an unintended pregnancy. Supreme court justice Ruth Ginsberg admitted in a Dec. 2009 NY Times article that she voted in favor of Roe v Wade because she saw it as a method to rid the nation of certain "undesirables". Evil!

The big question I have to ask is ultimately where do rights come from? For those who believe in God the only answer you can have is that rights come from God. Our founding fathers believed this; read the Declaration of Independence. For the unbeliever rights are granted by the government and the government determines rights, not based on what the majority want, no. Rather, the government decides what rights we have based on the ideas of a few elitists who just happen to be in power at the time. When a people allow their government to supplant God, it never ends well. Refer to Stalinist Russia, Nazi Germany, Communist China under Mao, and the darling of today's elitist progressives, Communist Cuba and the dictatorial regime in Venezuela.

The hypocrisy of our President knows no bound. He calls himself a man of faith yet embraces the elitist power structure that brings huge government control over our lives. Didn't he say that a person's right to abortion was a victory against government intrusion into our private lives? Just asking....

All rights come from God and God never gives us the right to do that which is as inherently evil as the act of abortion.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Responding to AARP - Eddie Style!

It's my first post of the year! There has been a lot happening in the world of politics, but I'm not going to write about every little things going on out there. I focus mostly on pro-life issues, constitutional rights such as freedom of speech and religion, and creation science. But I couldn't pass up this one.

My birthday was on December 19th and I turned 49 years old. Then somewhat unexpectedly, only 16 days later, IT came in the mail. IT is the dreaded AARP membership letter. Honestly I could care less about my age and even if there was a brief wince when I saw the letter, that quickly subsided because I know AARP could care less about the age of their members. They want the membership dues and to sell seniors medicare gap insurance. It's money that drives them.

If you keep up with politics you know AARP is a very left leaning organization. I'm not going to go into all of the facts of this, you can do the research and decide for yourself. For me though, I would never join this organization. So when I received the membership letter I knew right away that this deserved more than just tearing it up and tossing it! So I thought I would document how to do it Eddie style.

Ah yes, the dreaded letter.

The contents. The membership form showing all of the sweet benefits, the coveted AARP membership card and of course the postage paid return envelop.

Here is what they will receive when they open the envelop. The AARP card meticulously cut into strips and a heart felt note from (tee-hee) moi.

And it comes back to them in the same unsuspecting way they sent it to me. Postage paid.