Saturday, January 23, 2010

Killing The Unborn - A Fundemental Right?

This past Friday (Jan. 22, 2010) President Obama commemorated the 37th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision by releasing a statement:

Today we recognize the 37th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, which affirms every woman’s fundamental constitutional right to choose whether to have an abortion, as well as each American’s right to privacy from government intrusion. I have, and continue to, support these constitutional rights. I also remain committed to working with people of good will to prevent unintended pregnancies, support pregnant women and families, and strengthen the adoption system. Today and every day, we must strive to ensure that all women have limitless opportunities to fulfill their dreams.

A statement artfully crafted with doublespeak in order to support this evil act. He couples the right to an abortion with every American's right to privacy from Government intrusion. He say he supports more prevention of unintended pregnancies and couples that with his stance for limitless opportunities for women to fulfill their dreams.

As I write this our nation has allowed the killing of nearly 45 million unborn babies since Roe v. Wade. Abortion is the number one method of killing Blacks and Hispanics today. The President himself has said that he wouldn't want his daughters "punished with a baby" as the result of an unintended pregnancy. Supreme court justice Ruth Ginsberg admitted in a Dec. 2009 NY Times article that she voted in favor of Roe v Wade because she saw it as a method to rid the nation of certain "undesirables". Evil!

The big question I have to ask is ultimately where do rights come from? For those who believe in God the only answer you can have is that rights come from God. Our founding fathers believed this; read the Declaration of Independence. For the unbeliever rights are granted by the government and the government determines rights, not based on what the majority want, no. Rather, the government decides what rights we have based on the ideas of a few elitists who just happen to be in power at the time. When a people allow their government to supplant God, it never ends well. Refer to Stalinist Russia, Nazi Germany, Communist China under Mao, and the darling of today's elitist progressives, Communist Cuba and the dictatorial regime in Venezuela.

The hypocrisy of our President knows no bound. He calls himself a man of faith yet embraces the elitist power structure that brings huge government control over our lives. Didn't he say that a person's right to abortion was a victory against government intrusion into our private lives? Just asking....

All rights come from God and God never gives us the right to do that which is as inherently evil as the act of abortion.

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