I suppose I should clarify the title of this article. Yes, "The Word" is a Him. The Word is the second person of the Trinity, that is Jesus. Here the apostle John explains in John 1:1-5 and 14-17:
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning.3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4In him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.
14The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. 15John testifies concerning him. He cries out, saying, "This was he of whom I said, 'He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.' " 16From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. 17For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
Often times Christians refer to the Word of God, that is the Bible, as "The Word". This is also an acceptable use of the term "The Word" because Christians believe that the words in the Bible are a direct revelation from God.
Then I cam upon this video and I wanted to cry. She is talking to a Catholic organization, being a professing Catholic herself. Her speech is dealing with how her agenda, now the agenda of the majority in positions of power in Congress and the administration, is what Jesus would want.
I will not cast judgment for I am as guilty as she is. Just how one's thinking can be bent so far away from God, yet convince yourself it is true, is beyond me. This is a woman who supports all methods of abortion, even late term partial birth abortion. And that's only one of many. But listen to her, can you see it? Read Matthew 7:15-23, it's titled "A Tree and It's Fruit". Absolutely one of the scariest passages in the Bible, and it's aimed at all those who say they follow Christ.
I'm finding the words hard to come by. I can't even begin to describe it! How did we get here in such a short period of time? I thought the lead up to 9/11, then the actual attack of 9/11 and the continued activities of terrorist organizations around the world would only solidify this fact:
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but to me it seems 99.99% of terrorists are Muslim.
There are those in power and in the media who either hate our country and our form of government and want to "fundamentally transform" the United States of America or are just plain stupid. President Obama mentioned that "fundamental transformation" would be the result if he became president [said just before the election].
Now, just 8+ years from 9/11, those in power and in the media seem to wish that acts of terror were perpetrated by white conservative American citizens. Even better, wouldn't it be great if they were part of that tea party movement! Everything is upside down and backwards. It's maddening and I can't stand it any longer. Don't worry, I'm going to hang in there. But it is at an unbelievable level and to be honest, a level that is beginning to scare me.
There is too much to go into, but here are just a few things to chew on.
As I write this, just this morning it was announced they've made at least one arrest in the attempted car bombing in New York's Time Square. Officials arrested Faisal Shahzad, a naturalized US citizen of Pakistani birth. It is also now known he traveled to Pakistan and went through some level of terrorist training. There have been others taken into custody, but as of now this is what I know.
Let's go back to yesterday, before anyone had any idea who was behind the attempted bombing. NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg had this to say to Katie Couric when asked who he thought might be behind the attempted bombing:
Thank you mayor Bloomberg for giving Muslim extremists a pass and instead, your 25 cent guess, that it could be anybody, like... 1) the perp acted alone, 2) the person is "home grown", 3) someone who is mentally deranged and 4) someone with a political agenda like not liking the "health care bill" [even though it is a law now, he called it a bill. Maybe the Mayor needs to watch the old School House Rock video about how a bill becomes a law].
Can you believe that?! By saying the perp probably "acted alone" he's saying that the person isn't a Muslim extremist tied to any organized terror group and probably a political activist who doesn't like the current efforts of the President and congress, like, oh I don't know...maybe one of those racist tea party people?
Then today, after the suspect was arrested, MSNBC'sContessa Brewer said it all in regards to where the media stands. And yes this is where 99% of the media stands.
Yes Contessa too bad he wasn't one of those dangerous tea party "haters" with their lawn chairs and American flags. By the way, the suspect is Muslim and he's a registered Democrat in Connecticut. He's one of yours Contessa!
New York will not tolerate any bias after the arrest of a U.S. citizen from Pakistan in the Times Square car bombing attempt [which] also applies to potential backlash against Muslim New Yorkers. There are a few bad apples among any groups.
Mark the date and time. It's 1:19pm CST on Monday March 22nd, the day after "Dependence" day. I was watching CSPAN last night when "reverend" Al was on Fox News, so I didn't see this until now (yes it's my late lunch hour). He is exactly right (see video below).
I have already had this same conversation with a friend today. This is our fault; we asked for it. By "our" and "we" I mean collectively as a country. It was all out there. There is no excuse for anyone not to have known exactly what Obama stood for; what camp he resides in. For those who seem to be so shocked by this revelation because A) the totality of news you get is by tuning into one of the major network evening news broadcasts for 30 minutes a couple of times a week, or B) you simply felt it was time for a black man to win the white house, or C) you got a chill up your leg when he spoke....you compromised 200+ years of blood, sweat and tears because of your shallow uninformed self interests.
Health Care Legislation - Besides all the back room deals and bribes, President Obama still couldn't get enough votes from his own party. How did he finally get the votes? He promised Bart Stupack he would issue an Executive Order which would circumvent all the pro-abortion language in the bill (which the dems claim isn't there).
Cap & Trade Legislation - The President never got the votes in congress to pass this socialist legislation, so he went around congress and issued an Executive Order charging the EPA to do it anyway.
Government Regulation of the Internet - Congress says no way. Obama issues an Executive Order charging the FCC to do it anyway.
The Debt Commission - The senate blocked it. Obama created the commission anyway by way of an Executive Order. He even had the nerve to say he would do it during the State of The Union Address.
Card Check? The President is still pushing that one through by any means even though congress has rejected it.
And now two more articles of interest that I think piggy back nicely onto those. First, from our friends in Switzerland there are people taking other people to court over...catching fish. Yes, in these cases the fish is actually the plaintif! Scales of Justice: In Zurich, Even Fish Have a Lawyer.
But you say, "Oh those stories are from Europe, not the USA. Stop being so concerned over those cooky Spaniards, Brits and the Swiss." Oh really.....
WAKE UP! This has been here for a long time and we are just now waking up to it. The progressives are making greater strides now that one of their own is in the White House. And don't think "We the People" will always prevail. The progressives have been indoctrinating the youth for years to where more and more every day things like this seem absolutely normal.