Sunday, February 01, 2009

All Hail Mother Earth! Kill the Humans!!!

The spiritual person will know who is really behind all of this; and so it continues. In a Feb. 1, 2008 article in the British newspaper the Mail, reports a government official Jonathon Porritt, who chairs the government’s Sustainable Development Commission, stating:

Couples who have more than two children are putting an 'irresponsible' burden on the environment. I recommend we divert money away from curing illnesses and more towards contraception and abortion services to limit the country's population and help in the fight against global warming.

I’d like to know which diseases he prefers to underfund so the state can shower the land with more condoms.

Furthermore, Mr. Porritt continues:

We still have one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancies in Europe and we still have relatively high levels of pregnancies going to birth, often among women who are not convinced they want to become mothers.

So the role of the state should be to convince ambivalent mothers to abort them?!

I would hope that this thinking is way out on the fringe. Bur I've learned that it is in fact the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. So many of our policies have been shaped because of the loud (and may I add grating) voice of the minority.

This report comes on the heals of Al Gore appearing before a Congressional committee at which he professed his gloomy news about global warming. Mr. Gore, whose pundits affectionately call him the "Goracle", had this to say:

Current climate trends will bring a screeching halt to human civilization and threaten the fabric of life everywhere on the Earth -- and this is within this century, if we don't change.

These lawmakers took turns asking Al Gore for advice, as if playing with a Magic 8 Ball. I am sure the report telling us of the impending death of human civilization will find it's way into legislation even though a majority of scientific data shows no such trend. As it turns out we don't have to wait long because $400 million of the $800 billion stimulus plan awaiting a Senate vote is for Global warming research.

We better watch out because that $400 million may go towards contraception and abortion. No better way to reduce the country's carbon footprint than to prevent more human footprints from ever appearing.

God help us.

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