Sunday, February 22, 2009

Relativism Run Amok

Can I call 'em or can I call 'em? OK, try and stay with me as I set the stage. On February 10, 2009 I posted an article called No Liberal Bias Here! in which I highlighted Helen Thomas' question to the president where she referred to those a$$holes hiding in the mountains of Pakistan and Afghanistan as "So Called Terrorists". (Side note - those so called terrorists released a video the very next day showing them beheading a polish engineer which they kidnapped). Then on February 18, 2009 I posted an article called Moral Standards? in which I talk about moral relativism. In that article I used the example of how right after 9/11 I heard people say "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" and how that is an example of how our society has drifted away from moral absolutes of right and wrong. Rather, in the world we live, right and wrong are relative to each individual.

WELL, today (Feb. 22) I came across this clip of Helen Thomas explaining why she used the term "so called".

Here is a little history lesson. After World War II the Allied forces brought the worst Nazi criminals up on charges and held war crime trials called the Nuremberg Trails. The initial defense used by the Nazi's to explain how they could kill millions of Jews along with thousands of Catholics, the retarded and deformed people was this (in a nut shell):

"In our culture what we did was considered OK. In our culture we are taught that there is nothing wrong with doing these things. Who are you to come into our culture and force your values on us?"

When everything is relative, who decides what is right and wrong? And the more we work to remove God and His laws out of our schools, businesses, courts and government the worse it will get. I mean can you imagine in just 8 years since 9/11 we have actually come to this point? I am praying God doesn't allow another yet far worse "wake up call" to our nation. But if it brings us to our knees in terms of recognizing the God is Sovereign, then I say bring it on.

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