Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Moral Standards?

I read an article from the Denver post that provides an interesting view of an atheist. The article was standard stuff and it had a humorous twist. I wasn't offended by it. I sort of pity people who have this view, but I respect their view all the same. You can read the article if you want by clicking here.

What I did want to bring up was something you would probably miss, or maybe you did miss if you read the article. In the article the author mentioned a gathering of the various -ists at an event called Human Light. Here is the quote:

The festivity, according to the organizers, envisions "a future in which all people can identify with each other, behave with the highest moral standards, and work together toward a happy, just and peaceful world."

That's interesting. Did you see it? "a future in which all people...behave with the highest moral standards". All of these people are absolutely convinced that there is no God, but they believe in moral standards. Question: If there is no God, whose standards do they ascribe to?

This is classic relativism. As a Christian I believe that God sets the standard or what is moral and what is not. The standard, God's law, is something outside and apart from me. That's important because I am flawed. Between you and me, sinning is sometimes fun. But if God says it's wrong and immoral, then it's wrong and immoral and if I really am dedicated to obeying God, then I will admit that it's immoral and I will do my best to get it out of my life.

Now let's use the same logic without God. I like to sin because, hey, it's fun. But I get this twinge when I do this thing I'm doing because society thinks it is immoral. So what am I to do. I know, I'll just change the standard. I'll protest and sue people over my right to commit this sin. More people will come out of the woodwork and agree with me. And you know what? the more people I can get to do this thing, the better I feel about myself. Suddenly I don't feel like it's immoral anymore and that little twinge I felt before is gone. This is so freeing!

This is the exact thing we witness in the real world. One day abortion is unthinkable, and illegal. The next people are celebrating it as a right and persecuting people who shine a light on the horror of that immoral act. Why is it this way? Because in a godless society morality is relative. Right and wrong is relative. You heard it after the attacks of 9/11, it was said by some people, "Well, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" - That is relativism.

Our country; our world is sliding more and more toward this way of thinking. Don't you be caught in it's trap. Know what God's Word has to say and believe it. Atheists think Christianity enslaves the mind, but it is in fact the very opposite. The world says having premarital sex with many partners is freeing. Yet people will tell you after they become a single parent or when they are diagnosed with a venereal disease that they feel trapped. They will wish they never did what they did. But God says to abstain from sex except within marriage (marriage as God defines it) with only your spouse, and you never have to worry about any of those things happening. Now isn't that really freeing?

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