Wednesday, April 22, 2009

All Hail Mother Earth: Kill The Humans #2

I'm not sure this stuff will ever stop, but I remain hopeful that something or someone will stand up and stop this madness. A number of things I've read today are prompting this post.

First - The Spanish Parliament’s environmental committee approved a resolution to grant legal rights to great apes and is expected to enact it into law by June 2009. Peter Singer, a professor of bioethics at Princeton University states:

Like humans, great apes are entitled to life, liberty, and protection from torture.

OK; no argument from me. My argument does not stem from protection of animals, I love animals. Rather my argument is that at the same time as these worshipers of "Mother Earth" hate humans. They promote and even celebrate abortion as a method to control population in order to "save the planet".

Second - Switzerland has declared that individual plants have “intrinsic dignity”; that “decapitating” wildflowers is a great moral wrong and when food crop research is performed, one should consider the plants dignity.

Third - Today (April 22, 2009) members of the EPA are on capitol hill discussing why American businesses should pay premiums to the government based on how they use energy. Everyone knows that energy is required to do everything we do in this country. Food production, transportation, even energy producers will be charged huge fees for using energy that emits carbon pollution. Everyone knows these fees will be passed right on to the consumer!

My argument here is two fold.

1) What good does it do even if the U.S. takes a radical approach to [supposed] global warming if no other nations contribute? It's called "Global Warming" for a reason!

2) Again, the preference is given to plants and animals while our nation could care less about human dignity and the unborn.

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