Saturday, April 18, 2009

Science Is The Answer To Our Prayers

I read an article in the San Francisco Chronicle reporting that Nancy Pelosi will stay the course in regards to supporting and funding embryonic stem cell research.

In the article she states that how under the Bush administration it was either faith or science:

We've had a situation where it's faith or science - take your pick. We're saying science is an answer to our prayers. We are going forth with science ... and we will defend that investment. We need science, science, science, science, science.

In some situations science IS the answer to our prayers; no argument there. I firmly believe that all Truth meets at the top, meaning if the science is True and Good, then it is from God. But, God never sanctions any science that goes against His will. There are many things I do not know about God, but I am 100% sure God hates sin and He hates abortion and the killing of His greatest gift; Life.

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