A British charity funded by the British government published a cartoon story entitled Standing Up For What You Believe In, appears in the latest issue of Klic!, a quarterly magazine aimed at children aged from eight to 12. The charity set up in 1992, is described on the cover as ‘the best ever mag for kids in care’ and is widely distributed.
In the cartoon strip, a boy wearing a large cross around his neck is shown telling a friend that a smiling Muslim girl in a veil looks like a terrorist. He later confronts her and shouts: ‘Hey, whatever your name is, what are you hiding under your turban?’ She replies that the garment is called a hijab and it is part of her religion, ‘like that cross you wear’. The girl is then shown standing up for another boy, who is being bullied, and her behaviour is contrasted with that of the boy wearing the cross.
This is typical of what is happening in the world that makes Christians easy targets for prejudice and discrimination. Can you imagine if a Christian organization published such a thing only with the roles reversed?
Christian religious leaders requested that the publisher withdraw the article and apologize, but the publisher replied that they had no intention of withdrawing it, describing the cross as ‘bling’ rather than a religious symbol.
You know what, it's no biggie. It'll all work out in the end.
Be Holy Because I Am Holy
7 years ago
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