Thursday, May 14, 2009

To Get Jello You Need a Cook

I post this stuff, but honestly am amazed by how it defies logic. Honestly.

The article Chemists see first building blocks to life on Earth, is yet another glimpse at how science works so hard to 'wrench' data to fit an already pre-decided result. In the article US molecular biologist Jack Szostak hailed the research saying

It will stand for years as one of the great advances in prebiotic chemistry

Read the article and see if you think what they are doing deserves this praise. Speaking of the three base chemicals that form an RNA strand, one very good objection written in the article states

...doubters have been comforted by the failure to find any feasible chain of chemical events to explain how the three components all came together.

I just found another article on this same subject, but the title is much better: Molecules of Life Emerges From Laboratory Slime.

Review what I've written in the past about this in an article called Upside-Down and Backwards and then tell me if all of this experimenting of trying to recreate the primordial soup and zapping it with electricity, then heating it and cooling it and finding some chemicals joined together can account for THE VOLUMES OF GENETIC INFORMATION CONTAINED IN OUR RNA AND DNA!!!

Honestly, if take some chemicals and zap it with electricity, heat it and then cool it I get lime flavored Jello. When you see Jello do you think it got on the cafeteria line by way of the blind forces of chance? It just appeared there without the assistance of the cook?

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