I just read this article from New York's Channel 2 website titled
N.Y. High School To Provide Pregnancy, STD Testing. I would like to know your thoughts on it. As for me I have to wonder why would we want our public schools involved in this?
The article states that they hand out contraception and perform pregnancy and STD testing and are completely confidential - No discussing with the parents. The lone vote against having this at the school was the school board president. But those who voted for it said:
"..this is just the reality of taking care of students in today's world. I think this is progressive and I see this as a positive."
What? The reality of taking care of kids in today's world?! Yeah, a world created and promoted by these very same liberal thinkers and now costing tax payers to provide contraception and pregnancy testing...oh but lets not tell the parents! And the cost doesn't even account for the results; STD treatments, councelling, abortions, and on and on.
Honestly it really doesn't matter. From my point of view, American parents prefer that the state be in charge of
raising their kids. These parents are lazy, uninformed, morons. They are only concerned with their own personal comfort and could care less about what their kids are
actually learning about life, morality, truth, justice, mercy, hard work and equity. These are the same parents who want the government to provide for them.
And the public schools, who you have to admit are very liberal institutions, are more than happy to provide the service. They want to raise your kids. They want to teach them their liberal, progressive,
atheistic ideology. It ensures future votes for their way.
At times I wonder how any parent who cares about their kids would ever subject them to public schools. But you know what? I've seen kids come out of public schools that know right from wrong, who can think for themselves and know about absolute truth. Why is this? IT'S BECAUSE THEIR PARENTS RAISED THEM!!!!!! They didn't leave it up to the schools, or the
government, or the video game manufacturers, or the music industry, or any other corporation.