Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christ is Born!

With all the giving that's about to happen, please remember that God is the original author of giving. The words give, gave, gift, etc. appear over 2,100 times in scripture. Ultimately God gave Himself to an undeserving world and tonight we celebrate the arrival of our Savior, the greatest and most expensive gift ever.

Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Abortion Trick

Great. Our Health and Human Services Secretary just luuuvs the accounting trick in the Seneate Health Bill that will not only allow abortions, but mandate everyone pay for them. But that can't be true! She said it's not for abortions.

I honestly hate these people. Listen to the double talk from the one with the forked tongue.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

What's The Problem? Kids Do This Stuff All The Time

Before watching this video wrap duck tape around your head to prevent it FROM EXPLODING!!!!

If you get an error saying the video is not available click this link.

I don't even know where to start:
  1. First - Hey Mom holding that pillow or blanket or whatever it is over your mid-section doesn't hide the fact you have a weight problem. Moron!
  2. "[My] Biggest concern was him being out there, getting kidnapped, getting run over, the alcohol, having to have his stomach pumped." - My biggest concern is that YOU are a moron and has custody of a child!
  3. "He runs away trying to find his father. He wants to get in trouble so he can go to jail because that's where his daddy is." - SHOCKER!
  4. Speaking of the beer the child got a hold of, "He got it out of my father's cooler in the back and how he got it open I don't understand because it was one of those tab beers." - Yes those "tab beers" are so mentally challenging for us we're not sure HOW a 4 year old could figure it out! He must be like super-freaky smart.
  5. "Going to the neighbor's house and taking their presents, very embarrassing," - Embarrassing for who? MORON!!!
  6. "Kids do things like this and it's out of your control, you can do the best you can as a mother, everyone makes mistakes, it was an honest mistake," - WHAT?!! Kids do things like this?! AHHHHHHHHHHH!

And if that's not bad enough, I read that Child Protective Services is going to let her keep the kid. What does it take? Let's see:
  • Mom is a moron (opening a "tab" beer is like on the order of completing a Rubik cube)- check
  • Dad likes drinking in the streets and is well known to do so by his kid - check
  • Dad's now in jail - check
  • Mom's father leaves unsupervised beer in cooler out back that is easily assessable by children - check
  • Child skilled at disarming safety devices on door knobs - check
  • Home not secure enough at 2:00 am to prevent a child from getting out into the streets - check
  • Child is known to want to get into trouble, drinks alcohol, is adept at breaking and entering, theft and enjoys a little cross dressing - check
  • Mom is too stupid to know that this not only really dangerous behavior, but seems to not even understand it is ALL HER FAULT. CHECK!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Scientific Reasoning - This Is How It's Done

Watch the video. It's a little over 10 minutes, but well worth it. In it you will see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears the two dominant and opposing thought processes of the people in this world. The majority of us fall into one of these two camps. Neither are unreasonable. The two carry out a conversation that is civil and calm.

I have to admit that what makes this exchange so valuable is the combination of two things. 1) The ability of the interviewer to present the facts and ask pointed questions, and 2) the willingness of the Green Peace activist to continue with the interview so we can all witness for our selves why her thinking is flawed. Understand it's not just her data that is flawed; no, it is how she thinks that is the root cause.

The apex of the argument occurs at the 7:25 mark. She admits that her belief in the crisis of "man made" global warming is based on faith; faith in sources that support her own pre-conceived ideas that man made global warming is true. Many have said to me that my faith in God is the same thing as someone's faith in global warming and I would agree with the exception of one major difference. If anyone can prove that my sources for believing in God are false I would give up any belief in God. But again, proof is objective facts that is outside of what I feel or want to believe. The woman in this video refuses to want to do that.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Beer, Guns and Making Good On A Bet

Question: What's the last thing said before someone called 9-1-1?
Answer: Hold my beer and watch this!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Pro-Abortion? You Know The Truth.

I keep saying this; I just don't get it. Watch the video and you tell me, how do the answers given make you feel? Deep down in your heart of hearts is this right or wrong? Or is it a gray area?

Gray?! What could be gray about the issue of abortion. The doctor is very clever with his answers. For example when the woman asks the doctor what will be "removed" and the doctor answers "a fetus..but a fetus is not a baby", is that a truthful answer? In one way it is; a fetus is not a baby. However, the next question that the woman should have asked is "Is a fetus a living human?". The answer to that question is absolutely YES. From conception to natural death we are always a living human. A zygote is a zygote, an embryo is an embryo, a fetus is a fetus, a baby is a baby, a toddler is a toddler, a child is a child, a teen is a teen, a man is a man. All are stages of human life.

I've written before about this and you can read more in my article The Logic Cop Says It's A Human Baby. Also click on the Abortion topic on the right menu bar for more heart stopping sadness.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Science Becomming Scandalous

At first I didn't want to write about this, and I am sorry it's such a long article, but I have a lot to say. I get so tired of putting forth these arguments, trying to shine a light on how scientist's preconceived ideas is what determines the final result even if the data does not fit what you want it to be. Just click on the Science label on the right side bar of my blog page to read them.

Let me state again for the record: If the data is honestly and exhaustively examined and it shows a result, and that result is repeated in a vast majority of samples, I will hold the result to be true and that truth will formulate current beliefs of reality. What does that mean? If someone proves to me that there is no God, understanding that proof is something outside of us, proof is not influenced by what I think or how I feel, it is objective; knowing that, if someone proves there is no God, I will stop believing in God.

But that goes for scientists too. It's what makes science dependable and based on integrity. If the data disproves what you thought is true, you must change what you believe to be true, period.

We've seen this in the recent Climategate scandal. At least that scandal is finally being exposed so the public can see for themselves what's being done. We also have seen this in the science of Darwinian evolution, which I have written extensively about, specifically in the area of soft tissue being found in dinosaur fossils that are supposedly 60-80 million years old. Scientists say that it is impossible for soft tissue to survive that length of time, even saying they doubt soft tissue can survive longer than a million years tops. Yet when faced with finding soft tissue and being quoted as saying it is impossible for soft tissue to be present in a 60 million year old fossil, do they say "we have to rethink the science behind how we determine the ages of these fossils"? No, they just say "I know it's impossible, but there you have it. Isn't it amazing?".

To provide you with a visual, I've included a link to a video from the TV show 60 Minutes. This dino soft tissue story has finally made it to the main stream...after 10 years! It's about 13 minutes long and you have to endure a Viagra commercial but it's worth it. Watch it with a ear tuned for how they carry out their science. A few notes about this video:
  • Jack Horner has been around for a long time. I was reading his work back in the 80's and he's been the leading scientist that supports the theory that dinosaurs evolved into modern day birds. I was surprised to hear him still pushing that theory because I've read that it has all but been abandoned. Read my article called More Scientific Backtracking.
  • When the soft tissue find was first published the scientific community's first response was harsh criticism. Funny how that is. Instead of verifying whether it's true or not, the first reaction is to kill the messenger.
  • Watch the video, I think it's around the 6:30 mark when they start talking about the soft tissue find; even with the evidence in front of their eyes, and despite their own incredulity, the two still accepted the story that organic remnants that should have rotted long ago had somehow been preserved for longer than many current species have supposedly existed on earth.

Why manipulate the data?

In regards to the Climategate scandal, best case, this scandal means that scientists are manipulating the data to show man made global warming is true when it is not because they want to tap into the billions of dollars in research money available. Basically fabricating a desired result to get themselves and their institutions rich. It's a circular cash-cow. They produce false results, everyone panics and says it's a coming disaster, money pours in to study it further, and they produce more false results to perpetuate the con.

Worst case it is a massive fraud, a global redistribution of wealth that is intended to socialize American and bring down our standard of living in order to perpetuate the communist idea of social justice.

Here is the 60 Minutes video:

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Vested Interests Are The Enemy Of Science

In my 11/20/09 article titled The New Scientific Method: Remove The Data That Doesn't Support My Theories I talked about what is now being called "Climategate". The purposeful effort by climate change scientists to alter the data to suppport their preconceived theory.

This scandal is not going away, at least not in the blogosphere (you won't read anything about it in the main stream media), and I finally read a great article in the Wall Street Journal titled Climategate: Follow The Money. In that article (read it, it's short and to the point) was this fantastic quote regarding the organizations that receive ever increasing grants to study climate change because those very same organizations keep ringing the warning bell of climate change ever louder:

None of these outfits are per se corrupt, in the sense that the monies they get are spent on something other than their intended purposes. But they depend on an inherently corrupting premise, namely that the hypothesis on which their livelihood depends has in fact been proved. Absent that proof, everything they represent—including the thousands of jobs they provide—vanishes. This is what's known as a vested interest, and vested interests are an enemy of sound science.

Emphasis mine. I couldn't have said it better.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I Choose Life...Always!

When I read this week about Rom Houben I was saddened and angered because of what we did to Terri Shiavo. Who is Rom Houben and Terri Shiavo?

First Rom Houben. After a near fatal car crash he laid in a coma for 23 years, or so his doctors thought. In reality he was completely paralyzed yet completely awake. Let me say that again; his body was paralyzed, he couldn't move a muscle, not any muscle. Not a finger, not an eye lid, nothing. And at the same time he was completely conscious. He could hear all that was going on around him. When they opened his eye lids to examine him he could see all that was in front of him. Most horrid of all, he could think and speak to himself the whole time and was screaming to the doctors, nurses and visitors that he is awake! But no sounds came out. Click here to read one of the many news stories.

Now to Terri Shiavo. Terri collapsed in her home in February of 1990 and the result of her trauma was that she was left in what the doctors called a persistent vegetative state (PVS). After a short time her husband began the legal process of having her removed from "life support". In reality the machines that she was connected to helped her, but they were not required. Honestly without them there was a good chance complications could result and she could die, so they were used to avoid that. However, at the same time Terri's parents argued that based on observations they felt Terri was mentally conscious. Her parents opposed Terri's husband as he went through the various court proceedings to first have a do not resuscitate (DNR) order approved, have her removed from so-called life support (which was later rescinded) and finally, get this, have her feeding tube removed.

Terri's husband was her custodian and in charge of her care. Because Terri didn't have a living will there was nothing her parents could do without extraordinary actions by the courts. Terri's parents offered to take custody and to care for her, but her husband refused the offers.

So, after 7 years of legal battles our courts, aided by our culture of death, allowed the hospital to remove her feeding tube and in effect induce death through prolonged starvation and dehydration. Her death sentence took about 2 weeks to carry out.

Imagine IF she was in the same condition as Rom Houben? Watch this short video and look at the state Terri was in. Was she really brain dead? From what see she is in better shape than Mr. Houben!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Saturday Night Live Jaw Dropper

I watched in amazement.

..and just to be fair, I thought this one was hilarious.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The New Scientific Method: Remove The Data That Doesn't Support My Theories

And this comes on the heels of yesterday's article about the global warming god, um..ahh...errr, I mean "climate change" god Al "jaba the" Gore. He's so smart! I should just shut up and stop pointing out inconsistencies.

Well, today the internet is abuzz after a major global-warming advocacy center in the UK had its e-mail system hacked and the data published on line. Yes, uh-oh. Here are some quotes from those emails, but first I have to repeat myself YET AGAIN! Isn't the role of the scientist supposed be that they follow the data no matter where it leads? Scientists come up with a theory and then apply data (observations of reality) to either prove or disprove the theory. But that is no longer being done in regards to the lie of global warming, or evolution for that matter. Rather we have scientists who so buy into their theories that the reject any data that opposes it. THAT IS NOT SCIENCE!

A couple of quotes from the emails (emphasis is mine):

Subject: Diagram for WMO Statement
Once Tim’s got a diagram here we’ll send that either later today or first thing tomorrow. I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline. Mike’s series got the annual land and marine values while the other two got April-Sept for NH land N of 20N.

Nature trick? Hide the decline?

Subject: 1940s
Here are some speculations on correcting SSTs to partly explain the 1940s warming blip. If you look at the attached plot you will see that theland also shows the 1940s blip (as I’m sure you know). So, if we could reduce the ocean blip by, say, 0.15 degC, then this would be significant for the global mean – but we’d still have to explain the land blip. I’ve chosen 0.15 here deliberately. This still leaves an ocean blip, and i think one needs to have some form of ocean blip to explain the land blip (via either some common forcing, or ocean forcing land, or vice versa, or all of these). When you look at other blips, the land blips are 1.5 to 2 times (roughly) the ocean blips—higher sensitivity plus thermal inertia effects. My 0.15 adjustment leaves things consistent with this, so you can see where I am coming from. Removing ENSO does not affect this.It would be good to remove at least part of the 1940s blip, but we are still left with “why the blip”.

Pesky data. Making us have to explain those "blips". Sheeesh!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Earth Is About To Melt

Can you believe that this cotton headed ninny muggins is about to become a billionaire off of this hoax!

Geothermal energy is relatively new?! Relative to what, the invention of the wheel? The world's first geothermal heating system dates back to the 14th century and America's commercial use of geothermal generated electricity dates back to 1827.

Comedy gold: [picture me doing an Al Gore impersonation when you read this] "The interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees.." What a complete nincompoop. No science has ever stated that. Scientists estimate the very center of the earth to be about 10,000 degrees fahrenheit...TOPS. The core of the SUN is several million degrees.

And did you catch that...he sneaked in there "...and the surface of the earth is hot". Yes, just burning up! Must be because the multi-million degree core of the earth is melting us from the inside. Birdbrain.

Just watch him. Do you really think this guy believes all the crap he's feeding us?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day 2009

Just two things; a link to my Veterans Day post from last year and a video.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Creator

Ok, this one is a bit tongue and cheek, but I couldn't resist.

Below is a new ad for Guinness [beer]. It's kind of neat, but after watching it I thought to myself, hmmm even Guinness knows you can't "create" without a creator. Or in this case creators.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death!

The title of this article are the words famously stated by Patrick Henry and which is the motto of New Hampshire to this very day. Twenty years ago today the berlin wall finally fell. I posted a short video below that shows you the celebration of freedom and how dearly it is loved by all people everywhere! Watch it and then continue reading.

The fall of the Berlin wall was the culmination of years of cold war which pitted democracy against Marxist socialism. It was in a speech two years before the fall of the wall given by President Ronald Reagan where he demanded "Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall!" No matter what side of history you are on, everyone knew that if Communism is such a benefit to its people, why do you have to force people to participate in it? The answer: Statism always requires force, and it always strips people of liberty. It always comes with handcuffs and prison camps and, yes, even murder when needed.

Now switch gears to this past weekends successful vote in the House .

What are we becomming?

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Psychics - What's The Harm? It's All Just For Fun

I read this article Crystal Ball Boom:Psychics, Tarot Card Readers Profit in Tough Economy

Fortune-tellers, tarot card readers and psychics are reporting an uptick in business during the current economic downturn as people look for guidance, employment advice and a window into their personal economic future.

Where do I start? It saddens me. I find it sad that people purposefully turn away from God and look to these people for help and guidance. I don't get it. He's the One who spoke into the chaos and gave it order. And it was good! He longs for us to trust Him. He knows best. Believe me I know this first hand. Just ask me sometime.

Additionally, no Christian should ever, EVER seek out someone like this:

"You shall have no other gods before me." Exodus 20:3

"Don't dabble in the occult or traffic with mediums; you'll pollute your souls. I am God, your God." Leviticus 19:31

"I will also turn against those who commit spiritual prostitution by putting their trust in mediums or in those who consult the spirits of the dead. I will cut them off from the community." Leviticus 20:6

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." Matthew 7:15

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Halloween. Obama Style

This idea isn't originally mine, but I have vastly improved on the idea. Kinda like BASF.

I wish I thought of posting this before Halloween, but I will try and remember this for next year...unless net neutrality is in place. In that case, the government will have shut down my blog by then.

After your children return from trick or treating have them dump out their candy on a table or counter top in front of them:

1. Look to see if one of your children has more candy than the other child(ren). If this is the case take from the ones who have more and give it to the ones who have less. Explain to them that this is known as redistribution of wealth, oops I mean "candy", and it is better for everyone.

Note 1: The one with the most "candy" will probably complain. To overcome this explain to them sometimes change isn't easy. If they still complain simply point at them and in a loud voice yell "RACIST!"...No I mean call them a big fat meanie.

Note 2: The following Halloween it will not be unusual if one or more of your kids figure out it would be better if they just stay home and not go trick or treating at all. After all they will benefit off of their siblings who do go out and work..ah err....I mean "trick or treat" for it.

2. After the wealth, darn it! I mean the "candy" (sorry), is redistributed take 40% from the one who originally had the most and 20% from the other child(ren). If one of the children did not go trick or treating, do not take away anything, but rather give them 10% more from the 40%/20% you took, I mean "collected" from the other children. Explain to them that this is how fair taxation works.

Note 3: Most of the kids will not like this, especially the ones that did work..[pause]..I mean go out and trick or treat for it. If this happens simply stop talking to them and every time they complain punish them by taking away freedoms... ha, did I say freedoms? No, I meant "privileges".

Note 4: The child that did not go out and "trick or treat" and benefited from the work of the others will develop an undying devotion to you. They will worship you and sing songs about you. You can use them to stifle and intimidate the other citizens.....ummmm I mean "children".

3. Take the remaining wealth (darn it I did it again), I mean "candy" and use it for yourself as you see fit, but not in a way that your children benefit from. But rather in a way that will hurt them in the long run all in the name of "fairness".

Yes we can.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Change The Culture, Change Everthing

When I started to read this article titled Italy, Vatican In Uproar Over Crucifix Ruling, I thought how odd. There is no way you can remove the displaying of the crucifix from Italian culture. What idiotic court made that ruling and why? Then I read this in the article:

The ruling by the court in Strasbourg said crucifixes on school walls could disturb children who were not Christians. Italy has been in the throes of national debate on how to deal with a growing population of immigrants, mostly Muslims.

Never one to give up the fight, I say do whatever you can to fight this for as long as possible. But in reality, the end is near; the European cultures have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. And America, you're next. Watch the below video and it will explain it all. It starts a little slow, but stick with it; it is eye opening.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Updated: The Guilt Of An (Ex) Abortionist

Read this article: Planned Parenthood Director Leaves, Has Change of Heart and be sure to watch the accompanying video as well.

While I think this woman's decision is the right one and I am very thankful for it, the report leaves me wanting more. From what I understand, the straw that broke the camels back was based on her not liking the new "business model" of Planned Parenthood. Because of the economic downturn, Planned Parenthood executives were de-emphasizing pregnancy prevention to one that encouraged abortion. I personally do not think that their business model was anything other than a "cha-ching" abortion mill, buuuuut that's just me.

Honestly I would have preferred it if her change of heart was in fact caused because she finally couldn't take being part of such a monstrous act, realizing that abortion was abhorrent and sinful. She did say that she felt like all of the guilt is gone, so she must have felt guilty over something. Was it the practice of abortion alone or the emphasis on the new business model? But I won't complain about what did it for her, I will celebrate the fact she saw the light.

One last observation; what was Planned Parenthood's reaction to this? They are suing her and issuing a restraining order! Something having to do with client confidentiality. Whatever.

UPDATE: Here is a better article that puts the decision in a more understandable light.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A New Level Of Disgust

Just when I thought the evil practice of abortion couldn't get even more disgusting. A swiss company is using cells from aborted fetuses in their cosmetics.

I link to the source I found it on, and they link directly to the company:

Sick. Skincare Company Now Using Aborted Fetal Tissue In Anti-Aging Cream

For anyone who might read this and be pro-choice, I have to ask the question again; Do you or do you not believe that abortion is the taking of a human life? If you answer yes to that question and still support the right to an abortion, then I would like to understand how you can convince yourself that the choice out weighs the life. If you do not think abortion is the taking of a human life, or maybe you are not sure, then please read my article called The Logic Cop Says It Is A Human Baby and tell me what you think of the logic I use in arguing that abortion IS the taking of a human life.

Or maybe you think, like our president, that if you get pregnant at the "wrong time" that having the baby is a punishment.

May God have mercy on us all.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Public Education = Bleak Future

Read the article linked here: Schoolhouse Shariah

I can add little commentary on this except that if you are a parent, please, PLEASE get involved with what the schools are teaching your children. I have no problem with schools giving a lesson in world religions and cultures, but come on. It is clear that when truth and balance are omitted, indoctrination is the goal. Why is this needed? Why would a school district adopt this curriculum? Why, when they see what the curriculum teaches do they NOT have an issue with it?

Why? When I think about the answer to that I remember a conversation I had via Face Book with a complete stranger. Maybe I'll post that conversation soon.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Hype Was Caused by "Stupid" People

I've written extensively about how the fossil nicknamed "Ida" was not a fantastic new discovery of a "missing link" between earlier primates and humans.

Bottom line, the fossil of a lemur like creature was being hyped by a European museum that billed it as THE missing link and saying how this discovery would challenge everything we know about human evolution. Just so happens the hype would ensure lots of visitors to the museum and it just so happens the owners of the fossil produced a documentary about it and they stood to make tons of cash based on the hype.

Well, the scientific community finally is calling the fossil nothing more than an ancient lemur! Huh, just what I said it was months ago. You can read the article here, but you know what really pisses me off? The excuse that Dr. Seiffert, one of the scientists who studied the finding and came out to say it ain't all that, still defended the hype. He said this regarding how people came to the conclusion that this was so important (emphasis mine):

“The PR hype surrounding the Darwinius description was very confusing. The uninformed observer watching the associated documentary certainly must have come away with a very different view — specifically that Darwinius truly was a critically important link in the origin of higher primates, if not the origin of apes or even humans.

Nice; it was all because "stupid" people misinterpreted the hype. Here are links to past articles I wrote concerning science and evolution.

A Shattered Image - Science Articles

Monday, October 19, 2009

Are You Good Without God?

I view this kind of stuff to be sad more than I do as irritating. A new ad campaign will be launched in New York sponsored by the Big Apple Coalition of Reason. The posters will be placed in subway stations that read:

A million New Yorkers are good without God. Are You?

The meaning of the slogan is that their life is just fine without God so stop believing in Him. They just don't get it. I truly hope they will one day, just like I did. If only they would humble themselves and find out just how truly wonderful a life full of God really is.

One very interesting thing in the article; I have written in the past how in reality atheism is a religion. Many people say I'm stupid to say that. They tell me atheism is the opposite of religion. Oh really? To quote the article:

The subway campaign is timed to a new book called "Good Without God" by Greg Epstein, which is to be released on Oct. 27 by William Morrow. Mr. Epstein, the Harvard University humanist chaplain, is having a book signing at Columbia University Bookstore on Oct. 28.

What exactly is a humanist chaplain?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Doin' Laundry - Get a Peace Prize!

Classic Crowder. Hilarious!

If You Believe It's True It's Easier To Understand

This video is of an interview with Dr. Richard Dawkins, author of the God Delusion and his most recent work The Greatest Show On Earth. Dawkins is the typical pro-evolution atheist elitist. I have no issue with his having taken a stance and doing a very good job of trying to convince people why his opinion is the correct one. It's just the way it's done and the arrogance.

Here are my notes (I paraphrase a lot of this) with comments in RED:
  • Dawkins, trying to assert that evolution is not a theory, but rather is fact says "If you stop thinking of it as a theory and start thinking of it as fact, it's a lot more believable" Really!? Am I the only one to see through that? So if I just stop thinking objectively then I'll see it your way.
  • Speaking of what evidence is most compelling to sway a person away from evolution as just being a theory and towards it being a fact he states "Comparing DNA between species you see an almost identical digital count that falls into a family tree. And if you look at it long enough you will be convinced" Again with the "if you look at it long enough" thing. If I look long enough at b.s. websites that say our landing on the moon was a fake, I might start to believe that too. Also, answer me this, how could random processes come up with 'digital' information anyway?
  • An interesting item; Dawkins compares those in America who do or do not believe in creationism to those who are for Palin or Obama. Uh huh..good analysis
  • When asked if he's concerned that his book The God Delusion offends creationists he states "Creationists don't read books anyway, except for one book. My books are aimed at the intelligent lay person who does read books..." You elitist arrogant jack-ass. That's a great way to stifle any meaningful debate on the issue. Just call someone with a differing opinion "stupid and closed minded". Kinda like calling those who don't agree with Obama "racists", Hmmmm
  • Speaking of The God Delusion, Dawkins states that, " was a humorous book; full of laughs" Oh yes, it was a knee slapper all right. Again insulting those with a differing opinion by calling them "delusional". It was a hoot! the expense of God and His followers.
Elitist doofus:

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Appreciate This You Noncontributing Zero

"It's going to space!"...hilarious!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Belief In God a Form of Dementia?

These things irritate me so. But then I think that I am a child of God and saved from such thinking. I'd rather spend my time building up treasure in heaven.

The New York Times says the following in regards to Dr. Francis Collins, the new Director of the National Institutes of Health.

First, there is the God issue. Dr. Collins believes in him. Passionately. And he preaches about his belief in churches and a best-selling book. For some presidential appointees, that might not be a problem, but many scientists view such outspoken religious commitment as a sign of mild dementia.

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. - Matthew 5:11-12

Hear and Believe

As I've said in the past I tend to stay away from the everyday political chatter, but this topic has to do with life. Which if you've read anything I written before you know I am staunchly pro-life.

Frankly I am pissed off at the deception by all politicians in Washington and by the "advisers" they rely on to help devise their schemes.

The current health care debate is just so full of deception. Listen to Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary under Bill Clinton, and current advisor to president Obama. This sums it up all too well. Believe me when I tell you this is exactly what a government run health plan will be. The president and all his cronies say one thing and they plan on doing the complete opposite.

Listen to the audio from a 2007 speech and pay close I'll help you:

  1. The first part of the audio, Reich tells everyone that candidates for office only tell half truths and often tell us what their advisers tell them we need to hear.
  2. He says he is going to run for president and I guess he said the first part as if to tell us he's not like other candidates, he's going to tell the truth. - Gee thanks
  3. At the 0:45 mark he tells us we have the only health care system in the world set up to avoid sick people. He even affirms what he just said as being true. - I believe this is not true, but what the heck.
  4. At the 0:57 mark he says he's going to change the health care system to make it more "amenable to treating sick people". - Thank you sir.
  5. At 1:08 he says that young healthy people "you are going to have to pay more" - Understand he's saying this in 2007 and here we are in 2009 and the bills being presented force everyone to have insurance. Even if you are young and healthy, and you don't want it!
  6. At 1:20 he says that if you are old we are not going to give you all the drugs you need or the technology needed to keep you alive for the last couple of years of your life, "It's too expensive so we're going to let you die" - My heart sank when I heard this. The evil of these people.
  7. At the 1:35 mark he says he'll use the power of the federal government to force drug companies and medical equipment manufacturers to lower their costs. He goes on to say that he knows this will mean less innovation and less innovation means less new drugs and new products, which means you shouldn't expect to live much longer than your parents - I have no more words...
Before you listen to the audio, did you know that the presidents special adviser on science and technology, John Holdren, co-wrote a book called Global Climatic Disruption: Risks and Opportunities in which he describes some of the so called "opportunities" to avoid this global climatic disruption as forced sterilization for a majority of the population and mandatory abortions for unwed mothers who can't "take care" of their expected babies? Did you know that? NO! Then get off you fat frikkin a$$ and start paying attention because our country is being flushed down the toilet because people are more caught up in knowing what happened on JOHN AND KATE PLUS 8!!!

My God! The presidents staff is loaded with the most pro abortion, pro death people ever assembled. Not to mention the lunatics that HATE our way of life.

I can't talk any more today, this stuff exhausts me.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

What is "Normal" Anymore?

More and more I question my ability to define "normal". More and more Americans simply ignoring the US Constitution thinking we live in a country that guarantees freedom FROM religion when it doesn't. There is rabid almost "religious" like protection of the environment, where small fish are protected yet we allow the murder of 4,000 unborn human babies every day.

If you want to see the complete dismantling of any kind of normality, just look to the appointments of president Obama. I won't go into all of the items, there are too many to list, but if you have some time, do a news search on Kevin Jennings, Cass Sunstein, Van Jones, Mark Lloyd and Harold Koh to name just a few. And that list doesn't even mention all of the cabinet members that had tax "issues".

Now I read an article about his nominee to head the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) Chai Feldblum. It is being reported that she signed a petition, a radical 2006 manifesto, which endorsed polygamous households and argued traditional marriage should not be privileged “above all others.”

This is something I speculated on when I wrote about why the defense of traditional marriage is so very important. The so called "same sex marriage" debate being waged by gays and lesbians has nothing to do with what concerns me. It is that once you change the definition of something to include other things that fall outside of what it really is, it then ceases to be anything. Once we include same sex couples within the definition of marriage all other kinds of freaky-deakies will come out of the wood work and what their "situation" to come under the same definition and be held up as normal marriage.

God, this place is maddening.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Big Bird? Who Knew?

I post this only because it's so darned funny. Please notice I tagged this post "Comic Relief" and nothing more. If you are a Dem and don't find this funny you need to see a shrink. I mean I laughed when Starbucks mocked a mad "tea party" guy in one of it's latest ads. But this is great!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Moral Relativism and Hollywood

I've posted a video below of a perfect example of moral relativism. Moral relativism is the world view that right and wrong are not objective, but rather subjective depending on your point of view. As I've written in the past, the most popular slogan of the moral relativist these days when talking about terrorism is "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter". You see how it works? Murder isn't always wrong, it just depends on your perspective.

Maybe you've read in the news lately how Hollywood film maker Roman Polanski was arrested in Switzerland and is awaiting extradition to the US. in 1977 Polanski plead guilty to the charges of statutory rape and sodomy of a 13 year old girl. Polanski brought the girl to his home where he drugged her by giving her a Quaalude and some campaign and then had sex with her including sodomizing her. He plead guilty to this. BUT, before he was sentenced he fled the country and has been living abroad ever since. I won't go into all of the attempts by the US to get him back, but finally he was arrested and is now in Switzerland awaiting extradition. Good, right?

Well you would never know it if you paid attention to Hollywood. The LA Times front page story never mentions he plead guilty to the charge, but rather states over and over how he was only "accused" of the crime. Other film makes and movie types can now be seen wearing "Free Polanski" tags on their shirts. The most disgusting of conversations came from the mouth of Whoopi Goldberg, and upon hearing it made me write this article.

I am dumbfounded at how we think! When will this stop? Listen to Ms. Goldberg try and assert the argument that, well, it's not "rape-rape". WHAT!!? Also listen to how she says, that in many other countries young girls are not looked upon in the same way we do here and times are changing. If I were in that audience I would have exploded!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Did God Create Evil?

It's hard to see at the end of the video, but it reads:

Religion is knowledge too.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

In Memory: USS Conolly DD-979

I served aboard the USS Conolly DD-979, a Spruance class destroyer, from 1983-1985. She was sunk in a training exercise this past April 2009.

This picture was taken in 1984 after a complete overhaul at Bath Iron Works in Portland Maine. I was on board when this picture was taken.

I first came aboard while the ship was at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba as a 2nd class Electronics Warfare Technician. She was my second ship to serve aboard. It was the height of the cold war and being in the Navy at that time was exciting. Us against the USSR, the high seas, playing cat and mouse. I was promoted to 1st class while on board.

Even though all of 1984 was spent in the ship yards, I made numerous deployments most notably circumnavigating South America, West Africa, 2 Med cruises (that's the Mediterranean for you land lubbers), Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf. On the Connoly I navigated the Panama canal and the Suez canal. I crossed the equator just west of Ecuador and once again crossed the equator at 0.00 and 0.00 off of the west coast of Africa.

If I were able to be board her today I would know my way around as if I never left her. She was good ship and I'm saddened at her end.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ida Had Her 15 Minutes

I wrote two articles this past spring about the events that unfolded over the finding of THE missing link. A lemur like fossil known as 'Ida' was heralded in the media as the find that all of the Darwinian scientists have been looking for that link early mammals to humans. Magazines and newspapers ran it and showed all of the high-fiving going on. Wow.

Paleontologists claimed that this fossil equated to finding the holy grail. Ida so concretely upheld Darwinian evolution they named the species "Darwinius".

I'll dispense with a lot of my own commentary because today I read in Scientific American an article called Weak Link: Fossil Darwinius has It's 15 Minutes. I have to hand it to Kate Wong who wrote the article and Scientific American for printing it, even if it's only online. I'm not sure if they will place it in their magazine; I stopped subscribing to Scientific American in 1990.

Ms. Wong does a great job in this article. Even though Ms. Wong is clearly an evolutionist I applaud her calling out what is wrong with the supposed finding and the hype that followed. It worries me when scientists are not concerned with determining the truth of their findings, but rather used this as an opportunity to make money off of it even if they had to lie about the find.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Life is short - Have an affair


A new website called is a dating website that targets married people looking to have an affair. As a matter of fact the title of this article "Life is short. Have an affair" is their tag line!

There is a great piece written in the National Review online by Kathryn Jean Lopez and it's well worth the time to read it in it's entirety. Here is an ad for this fine dating service.

The world we live in continues to sink and it will get worse so long as we let it. My blogging is not enough to stop it (go figure!), so I am compelled to do more. Nothing violent, no. But, more on that later.

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11: Honoring Salvatore Gitto

For me to try and put into words an honorary for a man I didn't know, was a bit daunting. I am doing this because I came across a project called Project 2996. It's a project whereby bloggers offer to write about a 9/11 victim. There were 2,996 victims of evil that day.

I am honored to write about Salvatore Gitto. Sal, as he was known, was husband to wife Angela, and father to two sons, Stephen, and Gregory. He was 44 years old on 9/11/2001. Sal worked for the same company my brother worked for at that time, Marsh & McLennan.

Everything I've read about Sal speaks to his dedication to and love of his family. He himself was a pilot and enjoyed the thrill and beauty of flying. His tribute in the New York Times was titled "Spirit in the Sky". Reading through the many other memorial pages I read about the type of friend he was, from classmates and neighbors.They all speak of a fun loving man, one who enjoyed others and made them feel loved through his acts of kindness and his joyful spirit. I invite you to read some of these because my words cannot compare to those who knew him.

I pray for Angela, Stephen and Gregory Gitto. That God will give them peace and that His love will transcend the pain of their loss and the anger they must feel towards those responsible. The LORD says that vengeance is His. Give us the strength to trust in Your Word O God.

For 9/11 - Updated: Link to WaPo Article

I pray for peace in the lives of those who've lost loved ones, but the world keeps rolling on.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

I came across this article today in the Washington Post; well worth the read. 9/11 As a Lesson, Not A Memory

Monday, September 07, 2009

Kiss my Cheeks!

This kind of stuff makes me so mad I want to spit. Once again, it is a complete violation of the 1st amendment. I'll let you decide, but what right does the state have to make decisions like this? None; none whatsoever.

A New Hampshire court ordered a home-schooled Christian girl to attend a public school this week after a judge criticized the "rigidity" of her mother's religious views and said the 10-year-old needed to consider other worldviews as she matures.

A JUDGE? Making the decision that a child needs to consider other worldviews??!! This is crap. It is obvious this judge is using the power of the bench to dissuade someone from being a Christian. This is becoming more and more common. Christians are easy targets, so screw the Constitution.

Read the story here from the Washington Times.

The judge's finding says the course load, except for the Bible study, is similar to what public students get and the mother’s home schooling has “more than kept up with the academic requirements of the [local] school system”. The child also takes supplemental public school classes in art, Spanish, theater and physical education and is involved in extracurricular sports such as gymnastics, horseback riding, softball and basketball. (emphasis mine).

I hope this goes to the Supreme Court.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

More Steps Forward Regarding Dinosaur Soft Tissue

I've written a few articles on the astonishing discoveries made by scientists recently where soft tissue is being found in dinosaur fossils. I've stated that that there is no way soft tissue can survive tens of millions of years and remain what would be classified as soft.

Now a peer review of these discoveries by the Royal Society of Biological Sciences has published a very interesting take on the situation called Preservation of Key Biomolecules In The Fossil Record: Current Knowledge And Future Challenges. It's a short abstract, but in case it's a bit dry, let me translate:

We think there might be something fundamentally wrong with laboratory data on biochemical decay rates, or something.

OK. Good. Now where do we go from here? And we're walking; we're walking....

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

If You Don't Have Something Good To Say, Then ...

I was surprised to find out that Time magazine is concerned because the Pope has been silent regarding the death of Senator Edward Kennedy.

I can only hope it's because of the late Senator's voting record on Abortion:

  • Voted NO on defining unborn child as eligible for SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance program).
  • Voted NO on prohibiting minors crossing state lines for abortion.
  • Voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines.
  • Voted NO on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.
  • Voted NO on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during other crime.
  • Voted NO on banning partial birth abortions except for maternal life.
  • Voted NO on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions.
  • Voted NO on banning partial birth abortions.
  • Voted NO on banning human cloning.
  • Rated 100% by NARAL, indicating a pro-choice voting record.
Forget the Pope; I'd be worried about having to explain that position to God.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Save the Phenomena

This is old news to me, but the article was brought to my attention, so I wanted to write about this topic again.

The Appendix: Useful And In Fact Promising

Regarding vestigial organs; the list used to contain dozens of organs and body parts, but over time, as scientists actually did their job, many have been reclassified and have been removed from the list. That in itself should motivate scientists to carry out the proper method of scientific inquiry! Even though this article is written by pro-evolutionists as made evident by the exclamation "we're not saying that Darwinian evolution is wrong", it goes a long way to show how scientists operate.

The violation that many pro Darwinian evolution scientists make is that whenever they can't explain something, they immediately define a cause that fits their preconceived theories BEFORE they complete all their observation and experimentation. As with vestigial organs; if they don't know what the purpose of the appendix is, they automatically classify it as a remnant of our evolutionary past. This was true with tonsils, adenoids, lymphatic glands, and many other organs.

Respectable science, when faced with an unanswered phenomena, should say "We don't know the purpose of this is or why it behaves the way it does, but with further observation we hope to discover the truth in time". I can respect that position. But instead they immediately apply ridiculous causes like chance or simply throw it in the category of "evolutionary remnant". To me that's scientific malpractice and at a minimum supreme arrogance.

See also my articles:
The Soft Pillow of Science
By Chance Given Time
Natural Selection

Friday, August 21, 2009

Speaking With A Forked Tongue - "Free Abortions For Everyone"

Have you noticed the counter on the side bar of my blog. At the time of this posting it is nearing 45,000,000 abortions since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

Now the debate in our land is over the President's Heathcare Reform. Lots to worry about, but one of the many debated points on this legislation is whether the public option will include tax payer provided abortion services. The President claims it doesn't, but notice his double speak. In trying to promote his plan he spoke to a gathering of religious leaders, albeit, very liberal religious leaders.

In a late Wednesday conference call with several faith groups that supported his presidential bid, President Barack Obama claimed it is a “fabrication” and “distraction” to say abortion funding is included in the health care reform plans pending in Congress. He said it is false to suggest that the government-run health care plan he favors would result in “government funding of abortions,” and that this is “untrue.” - Associated Press

Notice the President said the government-run health care plan he favors wouldn't support government funding for abortions. Sure. He says that as if to say, I am not in favor of it, but if the version that comes to my desk has it in it... what? Will he sign it, or won't he sign it? What do you think?

First of all our government already uses our tax money to fund abortions both here and abroad. One of the first Presidential actions was to reverse the Mexico City Accord which in doing so now allows US funds to be used for abortions overseas. Our government already subsidizes Planned Parenthood the largest for profit abortion provider in the nation. So what do you think? Is the President telling the truth? Let's listen to Mr. Obama's own words and thanks to the group who put this together for providing explanations on screen to translate the double talk.

Did you hear how he also wants to force private insurers to provide abortion services just like the government plan will. This is just like his disdain for doctors who refuse to provide abortions or pharmacists who won't dispense "morning after" pills for reasons of conscience. He could care less.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

T. Rex Soft Tissue Is Real

This is an update to a discovery I've been following, and it is as a win-win for me. I've written a few articles on this so click on this link to be brought to one, which also contains links to other similar articles.

Here is a quick run down. Back in 2007 a discovery was made of a T. Rex fossil that contained soft tissue. The problem is that modern science believes that T. Rex died off some 68 million years ago and so that creates a problem. The problem is that scientists know that over millions of years no soft tissue can survive the fossilization process. The sedimentary rock encasing the fossil might allow for survival of soft tissue, but only for several thousands of years, not millions. I agree with that logic and so, based on the finding the scientists must make a decision. Either adjust the current theoretical understanding of the ages these dinosaurs were alive, or show that there are errors in the discovery of the soft tissue. Guess which direction most scientists decided to take? Right! First instinct is to protect the theory they have backed and in which they have upheld as true. Can't say I blame them.

But the good news is that after third party study and verification, it has been found that in fact the soft tissue is real. CHA-CHING! Read: Re-examination of T. Rex Verifies Disputed Biochemical Remains.

As I always say I am for good science. Allow the truth to be known and let it take us where ever it takes us. Based on current understanding no soft tissue can survive the fossilization process for millions of years. When soft tissue is found you either have to adjust the current theory to allow for a younger earth or show how organic material can survive longer periods. The problem is that there is no known process that can extend the survival rate of soft tissue from a few thousand years to 68 million! Why not just be humble and say that based on the current finding adjustments in the current theories need to be made. How about because of ego and fear.

Folks, I don't care if you call me crazy or stupid. Our earth is much younger than what modern science thinks.

Monday, August 03, 2009

UPDATED: Culture Of Death Phase 4 - Abort Living Adults

God help us, really.

I haven't written much on this whole Government take over of health care. I try to focus on issues of freedom of religion and pro-life. I guess I didn't look deep enough.

It's only a matter of time really. When a government like ours controls your health care it also will do it's best to pigeon hole you into making decisions that are right for government, not for you. For those of you that voted all of this stuff in, I hope and pray you do a better job of keeping track of what is going on.

Here is an article about the Federal Government's version: "End of Life" Counseling Intensifies Health Care Debate

Honestly, this is getting to be more than I can handle. Watching this happen is hard. How will I handle it when it is in effect?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Scientific Idolatry

Yes, idolatry. They are exchanging the truth for a lie.

As I've written before, yet another dinosaur has been found that has characteristics of being relatively young. The article even states the researchers are, and I quote, “gobsmacked.”

Fossil Hunters Uncover Rare Dinosaur Skin

Gobsmacked, meaning dumbfounded. They can't explain it! Meaning they are finding it real hard to force the facts to fit their preconceived assumptions. Huh, imagine that. We must find a way to make the evidence fit the "FACT" that this fossil is 66 million years old, even though it still contains soft tissue and we know that's impossible.

Refer to these other articles I've written:

More Scientific Backtracking

Same Story Different Day

Follow The Evidence

"Ida" Don't Know

Living Dinosaur?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Polyamory, also known as ethical nonmonogamy, or a polyamorous cluster. No I'm not speaking of some far off new formation discovered in the universe or subatomic particles. It's the just the latest form the "family" is taking here in this darned old goofy world.

Read for yourself in this News Week article: Only You. And You. And You.

Everyone in this group is heterosexual, and they insist they never sleep with more than one person at a time ....traditionalists had better get used to it.

Like I've said in the past, once the definition of traditional marriage is changed to include same sex couples, there will be a queue forming to have any number of other so called non-traditional partnerships cry, "what about us"!

Be careful, the Ultimate Traditionalist isn't required to get used to anything.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What Happened to Teaching The 3 "R's"?

I just read this article from New York's Channel 2 website titled N.Y. High School To Provide Pregnancy, STD Testing. I would like to know your thoughts on it. As for me I have to wonder why would we want our public schools involved in this?

The article states that they hand out contraception and perform pregnancy and STD testing and are completely confidential - No discussing with the parents. The lone vote against having this at the school was the school board president. But those who voted for it said:

"..this is just the reality of taking care of students in today's world. I think this is progressive and I see this as a positive."

What? The reality of taking care of kids in today's world?! Yeah, a world created and promoted by these very same liberal thinkers and now costing tax payers to provide contraception and pregnancy testing...oh but lets not tell the parents! And the cost doesn't even account for the results; STD treatments, councelling, abortions, and on and on.

Honestly it really doesn't matter. From my point of view, American parents prefer that the state be in charge of raising their kids. These parents are lazy, uninformed, morons. They are only concerned with their own personal comfort and could care less about what their kids are actually learning about life, morality, truth, justice, mercy, hard work and equity. These are the same parents who want the government to provide for them.

And the public schools, who you have to admit are very liberal institutions, are more than happy to provide the service. They want to raise your kids. They want to teach them their liberal, progressive, atheistic ideology. It ensures future votes for their way.

At times I wonder how any parent who cares about their kids would ever subject them to public schools. But you know what? I've seen kids come out of public schools that know right from wrong, who can think for themselves and know about absolute truth. Why is this? IT'S BECAUSE THEIR PARENTS RAISED THEM!!!!!! They didn't leave it up to the schools, or the government, or the video game manufacturers, or the music industry, or any other corporation.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Culture of Death

The more I see the more disappointed I get. My ultimate faith is in Jesus, so while our wayward path is upsetting to me and causes me to stand up for the things of God, our continued decent into this culture of death does not cause me to want to give up.

People who say they are Christian yet do everything they can to support and promote abortion may be fooling themselves and some of the people, but not everyone and certainly not God. I've asked this before; if you call yourself "Christian", what do you think God's attitude toward abortion is? Does He like it?

President Obama's answer to Pastor Rick Warren when asked about if abortion was wrong, answered that the answer was above his paygrade. Rick Warren's followup should have been something like, if it's above your paygrade then that means there is a 50/50 chance you believe in God's eyes abortion is wrong. Then why err on the side of death? Disappointingly the Pastor didn't go anywhere with that

I continue to point out that what counts is ones "walk" not just their talk that tells where a person stands. Mr. Obama has never once voted for any form of restriction to abortion. His record:

  • Has voted for legalizing the late term procedure known as "Partial Birth Abortion"
  • Is in favor of embryonic stem cell research
  • Re-instituted funding for abortions in other countries (The Mexico City Accord)
  • Promises to pass the Freedom of Choice Act which will in effect remove all States laws that restrict abortions such as parental notifications, late term, etc.
  • Is against allowing doctors, nurses and pharmacists from not performing abortions or distributing oral contraceptives due to conscience.
  • Looks to his massive health care overhaul bill to further expand the practise of abortion throughout our land
A few more tidbits to chew on:

  • In a recent interview with the New York Times, Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg candidly shared: “Frankly, I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”
  • Hillary Clinton was recently given an award by Planned Parenthood (The largest for profit company in the abortion industry), in which Mrs. Clinton stated during her acceptance “The 20th-century reproductive-rights movement, really embodied in the life and leadership of Margaret Sanger, was one of the most transformational in the entire history of the human race.” In a 1921 article, Sanger explained: “The most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.”

Did you catch that! One of our Supreme Court justices said that when she voted in favor of Roe v. Wade, she thought she was voting for a way to reduce the amount of undesirables in our society. Don't believe me? Here is the article in the New York Times Magazine. Where was the outrage! And Mrs. Clinton is not ever phased by glorifying Margaret Sanger who, like Justice Ginsberg, is in favor of Eugenics. I am going on the record to say that our President is in the same camp, as is the speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (who's a professing Catholic) and Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (who states he is pro-life).

Their walk doesn't equal their talk. Their yes means no, and their no means yes.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

California Knows How To Grow'm

I....ummmm..someone should say something.......

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My Day of Team Building

I am providing this on my blog for people who do not follow me on Facebook, also because it’s just too many words. While on my blog read some of the articles I’ve written and comment!!!! Readers and comments motivate me.

Here is the saga of my work department’s day of “Team Building”

About a week ago my boss announced a half day of “team building”. No query of what we would be doing, the decision was made. We were going to play golf! Right away I thought to myself who would want to go back to work after a morning of golf? Silly me, we weren’t going to start first thing in the morning. Nooooo. Tee time? 1:00 pm in the afternoon….in July….in Texas. It’s been over 100 degrees practically every day for the last 3 weeks or so, and it aint a dry heat folks.

I raised my hand and said “I vote for bowling”. All the macho golfer blowhards looked at me like I just blasphemed. I didn’t know golf was so popular among my colleagues, so what could I do. I mean hey, being out of the office can’t be all that bad, right?

I’d like to pause to thank all those who followed my updates on Facebook, especially Sheri Coulter, you made it fun! Thanks.

So this morning I did some work from home and left the house at about 11:15. I needed to stop by Walmart and buy some golf balls and tees. I arrived at the course at about 12:00 noon. Some others were also just arriving so we milled around until everyone got there. I don’t have golf clubs so I had to rent them.

Doodaloo-doodaloo-doodaloo ----this is the going back in time sequence….In 1984 I played my last serious attempt at golf and ended up throwing my clubs in a pond. You might find them somewhere on the golf course in Portland, Maine.

Anyway, back to me going to get my club rentals which my boss graciously reserved for me. That is when I think the farce of this whole “team building” idea was revealed. Now my attempt at a Master Card commercial:

Golf balls and Tees at Walmart - $10.50
Club Rental - $27
Greens Fees and cart rental - $55
Finding out your cheap a$$ boss made you pay $92.50 for a mandatory day of “team building” in hell – PRICELESS.

Can you believe that? I thought this was a company sponsored day of “team building”!

The next big surprise was who I got teamed up with. One guy from our office, who I’ll call The Big-A (the A doesn’t stand for what you might be thinking. His name starts with A) and two other guys who work for one of our vendors. The Big-A happens to work daily with these guys so I was kinda the odd man out right from the start. But no biggie, right? Wrong. These guys are “serious” golfers, and the first thing they asked me after introductions was, “So, how often do you get out?” obviously meaning how often do I get out to play golf. I answered, “Well…on average….each month? I’d say zero point zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero [pause for thinking] zero-zero-zero-zero… times per month.”

At the first hole The Big-A tees up at the “Pro” tee. You see there are different spots to tee up your ball on each hole. The black tee is the pro tee, the blue is the standard tee the white is the women’s tee (I may have gotten the other two colors wrong so I’m admitting that now for all you “serious” golfers out there). I get ready to tee off second so I tee up on the black tee. The Big-A and the two other “serious” golfers, start convincing me to tee off from the blue tee, not the precious black tee. When I ask why, the Big-A answers, “Well I shoot in the 70s.” Is that actually an answer? Whatever, I go to the blue tee, and shank it. I could hear them grumbling behind me.

Holes 2 through 9 are pretty much the same and the heat, oh my! I am slathered with sun block, and by hole #9 I have drunk 2 liters of water and have not had any hint of needing to go pee. It’s like 178 degrees out, but I am determined.

Now to a couple of things The Big-A did.

#1 - As we were approaching the 9th hole, The Big-A called the boss who was a few holes behind us. Now understand I’m IN the golf cart with The Big-A. Here is the exchange:

The Big-A: Hi boss, how’s your game?
The Boss: Oh not too bad. What’s up?
The Big-A: Uh-huh. Hey if you want to skip a few holes meet us at the 9th and you and Ed can swap teams.
The Boss: No that’s ok.
The Big-A: Ok see you in the bar. (hangs up phone) [pause] The Big-A says nothing.
Ed: (looking right at The Big-A) Yah, none taken.

#2 – The “serious” golfers are getting upset with me because I insist on playing every hole and taking as many shots as it takes to get the ball to go in that little hole. The Big-A, in a moment of obvious compassion, tells the other two “serious” golfers (again with me standing right there among them!) that at the 14th hole he’s going to swing by the clubhouse and drop me off because obviously I am tired. That actually made me slightly mad. I responded by telling The Big-A to keep his yap shut because he doesn’t speak for me. I’m playing every hole and taking as many shots as I can get for my $93 of hell golf. Now hit the ball.

Funny things that happened:

A squirrel tried to hump my golf ball.

On the 12th hole I hit a drive and it ricocheted off a tree and landed on the green….the green of the 13th hole.

I hit a 350 yard drive! It went 328 yards straight up and landed 22 yards in front of me.

While the Big-A was taking a shot I poured some water on his seat in the golf cart. He didn’t know and I kept chuckling at the wet spot on his rump.

I took 7 shots to try and get out of one of those sand things that the “serious” golfers call bunkers or sand traps. I took big whacks with sand flying all over the place. The funny thing about it was that the Big-A told me how I could break a club by hitting the sand so hard. That’s when I told him I was using HIS sand wedge because my rentals didn’t come with one.

That’s about it. Golf isn’t my game, but life is. I love life and I love God. Thank you God for my life.

The Big-A (left) and The Boss (right)